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Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 5, 2017

Hóa chất Himedia - ấn độ

M001-100G Nutrient Agar
M001-500G Nutrient Agar
Nutrient Agar
M002-100G Nutrient Broth
M002-500G Nutrient Broth
M003-100G Antibiotic Assay Medium No.1 (Seed Agar)
M003-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No.1 (Seed Agar)
M003B-100G Antibiotic Assay Medium A
M003B-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium A
M004-100G Antibiotic Assay Medium No.11 (Neomycin, Erythromycin Assay Agar) (Erythromycin Seed Agar)
M004-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No.11 (Neomycin, Erythromycin Assay Agar) (Erythromycin Seed Agar)
M004B-100G Antibiotic Assay Medium A
M004B-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium A
M005-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 2 (Base Agar)
M006-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 5 (Streptomycin Assay Agar w/ Yeast extract)
M007-100G MacConkey Broth w/ Neutral Red
M007-500G MacConkey Broth w/ Neutral Red
M007S-100G MacConkey Broth w/ Neutral Red
M007S-500G MacConkey Broth w/ Neutral Red
M008-100G MacConkey Agar w/o CV w/ 0.15% Bile
M008-500G MacConkey Agar w/o CV w/ 0.15% Bile Salt
M008A-100G MacConkey Agar w/o CV, w/ 0.5% Bile
M008A-500G MacConkey Agar w/o CV, w/ 0.5% Bile
M008B-500G MacConkey Agar w/o CV, w/ 1.2% Agar
M008E-500G MacConkey Agar Medium
M008S-100G MacConkey Agar
M008S-500G MacConkey Agar
M009-100G Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (Thioglycollate Medium, Fluid)
M009-500G Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (Thioglycollate Medium, Fluid)
M009B-100G Fluid Thioglycollate Medium
M009B-500G Fluid Thioglycollate Medium
M010-100G Alternative Thioglycollate Medium (NIH Thioglycollate Broth) (Thioglycollate Broth, Alternative)
M010-500G Alternative Thioglycollate Medium (NIH Thioglycollate Broth) (Thioglycollate Broth, Alternative)
M010G-2.5KG Alternative Thioglycollate Medium, Sterile Powder
M010G-500G Alternative Thioglycollate Medium, Sterile Powder
M010G-5KG Alternative Thioglycollate Medium, Sterile Powder
M011-100G Soyabean Casein Digest Medium (Tryptone Soya Broth)
M011-500G Soyabean Casein Digest Medium (Tryptone Soya Broth)
M011B-500G Broth Medium A (Soyabean Casein Digest Broth) (Casein Soyabean Digest Broth)
M011G-2.5KG Soyabean Casein Digest Medium, Sterile Powder
M011G-500G Soyabean Casein Digest Medium, Sterile Powder
M011G-5KG Soyabean Casein Digest Medium, Sterile Powder
M012-100G Nutrient Agar w/ 1% Peptone
M012-500G Nutrient Agar w/ 1% Peptone
M013-100G Fluid Sabouraud Medium (Sabouraud Medium,Fluid)
M013-500G Fluid Sabouraud Medium (Sabouraud Medium,Fluid)
M014-100G Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar (Tryptone Glucose Yeast Extract Agar)
M014-500G Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar (Tryptone Glucose Yeast Extract Agar)
M015-100G Hoyle Medium Base
M015-500G Hoyle Medium Base
M016-100G Brilliant Green Agar Base, Modified
M016-500G Brilliant Green Agar Base, Modified
M016A-100G Brilliant Green Agar Base w/ 1.2% Agar
M016A-500G Brilliant Green Agar Base w/ 1.2% Agar
M016B-100G Agar Medium L (Brilliant Green, Phenol Red, Lactose Monohydrate, Sucrose Agar)
M016B-500G Agar Medium L (Brilliant Green, Phenol Red, Lactose Monohydrate, Sucrose Agar)
M017-500G Sterility Testing Medium-A
M018-500G Sterility Testing Medium-B
M019-100G Brewer Thioglycollate Medium
M019-500G Brewer Thioglycollate Medium
M021-100G Triple Sugar Iron Agar
M021-500G Triple Sugar Iron Agar
M021B-100G Agar Medium M (Triple Sugar, Iron Agar)
M021B-500G Agar Medium M (Triple Sugar, Iron Agar)
M021D-100G Triple Sugar Iron Agar
M021D-500G Triple Sugar Iron Agar
M021I-500G Triple Sugar Iron Agar
M021S-100G Triple Sugar Iron Agar
M021S-500G Triple Sugar Iron Agar
M022-100G EMB Agar, Levine
M022-500G EMB Agar, Levine
M022S-100G EMB Agar, Levine
M022S-500G EMB Agar, Levine
M023-100G Vogel-Johnson Agar Base w/o Tellurite (V.J. Agar)
M023-500G Vogel-Johnson Agar Base w/o Tellurite (V.J. Agar)
M024-100G Cetrimide Agar Base
M024-500G Cetrimide Agar Base
M024B-100G Agar Medium N (Cetrimide Agar)
M024B-500G Agar Medium N (Cetrimide Agar)
M025-100G Fluid Selenite Cystine Medium (Selenite Cystine Broth) (Twin Pack)
M025-500G Fluid Selenite Cystine Medium (Selenite Cystine Broth) (Twin Pack)
M025S-100G Selenite F Broth (Twin Pack)
M025S-500G Selenite F Broth (Twin Pack)
M026-100G Fluid Lactose Medium
M026-500G Fluid Lactose Medium
M027-100G Bismuth Sulphite Agar
M027-500G Bismuth Sulphite Agar
M028-100G Peptone Water
M028-500G Peptone Water
M028I-500G Peptone Water w/ Phenol Red
M028S-100G Peptone Water
M028S-500G Peptone Water
M029-100G Endo Agar
M029-500G Endo Agar
M030-100G Deoxycholate Agar
M030-500G Deoxycholate Agar
M031-100G Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD Agar)
M031-500G Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD Agar)
M031B-500G Agar Medium K (Xylose, Lysine, Deoxycholate Agar)
M031I-500G XLD Agar, Modified
M032-100G Fluid Tetrathionate Medium w/o Iodine and BG (Tetrathionate Broth Base w/o Iodine and BG)
M032-500G Fluid Tetrathionate Medium w/o Iodine and BG (Tetrathionate Broth Base w/o Iodine and BG)
M032D-100G Tetrathionate Broth Base   w/o Iodine
M032D-500G Tetrathionate Broth Base   w/o Iodine
M033-100G Sabouraud Dextrose Broth (Sabouraud Liquid Medium)
M033-500G Sabouraud Dextrose Broth (Sabouraud Liquid Medium)
M033B-100G Sabouraud-Dextrose Broth
M033B-500G Sabouraud-Dextrose Broth
M034-500G TB Broth Base w/o Tween 80
M035-100G B12 Culture Agar (L. leichmannii Maintenance Medium)
M036-100G B12 Assay Medium (Using L. leichmannii)
M037-100G Pantothenate Assay Medium
M038-100G Folic Acid Assay Medium
M040-100G Niacin Assay Medium
M040-500G *Niacin Assay Medium
M041-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 8 (Base Agar w/ low pH)
M042-100G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 3 (Assay Broth)
M042-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 3 (Assay Broth)
M043-100G Baird Parker Agar Base
M043-500G Baird Parker Agar Base
M043B-100G Agar Medium O (Baird Parker Agar)
M043B-500G Agar Medium O (Baird Parker Agar)
M043S-100G Baird Parker Agar Base
M043S-500G Baird Parker Agar Base
M044-100G Dextrose Broth
M044-500G Dextrose Broth
M045-500G Taurocholate Broth
M048-500G Tomato Juice Agar
M049-100G Violet Red Bile Agar
M049-500G Violet Red Bile Agar
M049A-500G Violet Red Bile Agar (1.2%)
M049S-100G Violet Red Bile Agar
M049S-500G Violet Red Bile Agar
M050-500G WL Nutrient Broth
M051-100G MacConkey Agar, Modified
M051-500G MacConkey Agar, Modified
M052-100G Selenite Broth (Selenite F Broth) (Twin Pack)
M052-500G Selenite Broth (Selenite F Broth) (Twin Pack)
M053-100G Phenol Red Agar Base
M053-500G Phenol Red Agar Base
M054-100G Phenol Red Broth Base
M054-500G Phenol Red Broth Base
M055-100G Phenol Red Dextrose Agar
M055-500G Phenol Red Dextrose Agar
M056-100G Phenol Red Dextrose Broth
M056-500G Phenol Red Dextrose Broth
M057-500G Double Sugar Agar, Russell (Russell Double Sugar Agar)
M058-500G Actidione Agar Base w/o Actidione®
M059-100G Brilliant Green Bile Agar
M059-500G Brilliant Green Bile Agar
M060-500G Nutrient Gelatin
M060S-100G Nutrient Gelatin
M060S-500G Nutrient Gelatin
M061-100G MacConkey Agar w/ Bromo Thymol Blue
M061-500G MacConkey Agar w/ Bromo Thymol Blue
M062-500G Sabouraud Maltose Agar
M063-100G Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
M063-500G Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
M063A-500G Sabouraud Dextrose Agar w/ 3.0% Agar
M063B-100G Sabouraud-Dextrose Agar
M063B-500G Sabouraud-Dextrose Agar
M064-500G Sabouraud Maltose Broth
M065-100G Deoxycholate Citrate Agar
M065-500G Deoxycholate Citrate Agar
M065A-500G Deoxycholate Citrate Agar  (as per B.P
M065B-500G Agar Medium J (Deoxycholate-Citrate Agar)
M065S-100G Deoxycholate Citrate Agar Medium
M065S-500G Deoxycholate Citrate Agar Medium
M066-100G Deoxycholate Lactose Agar
M066-500G Deoxycholate Lactose Agar
M067-100G Dubos Broth Base
M067-500G Dubos Broth Base
M069-100G Koser Citrate Medium
M069-500G Koser Citrate Medium
M070-100G Buffered Glucose Broth (Glucose Phosphate Broth)
M070-500G Buffered Glucose Broth (Glucose Phosphate Broth)
M070I-100G MR-VP Medium
M070I-500G MR-VP Medium
M070S-100G Buffered Glucose Broth
M070S-500G Buffered Glucose Broth
M071-100G Bile Broth Base
M071-500G Bile Broth Base
M072-500G Nitrate Agar
M073-100G Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar)
M073-500G Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar)
M074-100G Brucella Agar Base
M074-500G Brucella Agar Base
M074A-500G Brucella Agar Base, Modified
M075-100G Czapek Dox Agar
M075-500G Czapek Dox Agar
M076-100G Czapek Dox Broth
M076-500G Czapek Dox Broth
M077-500G Entamoeba Medium
M078-100G Kligler Iron Agar
M078-500G Kligler Iron Agar
M078A-500G Kligler Iron Agar, Modified
M078I-500G Kligler Iron Agar
M079-500G Fuchsin Lactose Broth
M080-100G Lauryl Sulphate Broth (Lauryl Tryptose
M080-1KG Lauryl Sulphate Broth (Lauryl Tryptose B
M080-2.5KG Lauryl Sulphate Broth (Lauryl Tryptose B
M080-500G Lauryl Sulphate Broth (Lauryl Tryptose
M081-100G MacConkey Agar w/ 0.15% Bile Salts, CV
M081-500G MacConkey Agar w/ 0.15% Bile Salts, CV
M081A-500G MacConkey Agar w/ CV, NaCl and 0.15%
M081B-100G MacConkey Agar (Agar Medium H)
M081B-500G MacConkey Agar (Agar Medium H)
M081C-500G MacConkey Agar w/(0.15%)
M081D-100G MacConkey Agar w/1.35% Agar, CV, NaCl 
M081D-500G MacConkey Agar w/1.35% Agar, CV, NaCl 
M082-100G MacConkey Agar w/o CV, NaCl
M082-500G MacConkey Agar w/o CV, NaCl
M082A-500G MacConkey Agar w/o CV, NaCl w/ 0.5%
M083-100G MacConkey Broth Purple w/ BCP
M083-500G MacConkey Broth Purple w/ BCP
M083B-100G Broth Medium G (MacConkey Broth)
M083B-500G Broth Medium G (MacConkey Broth)
M083I-100G MacConkey Broth Purple w/ BCP
M083I-500G MacConkey Broth Purple w/ BCP
M083S-100G MacConkey Broth Purple w/ BCP
M083S-500G MacConkey Broth Purple w/ BCP
M084-100G Dextrose Agar
M084-500G Dextrose Agar
M085-100G Pseudomonas Agar Base
M085-500G Pseudomonas Agar Base
M086-500G Eijkman Lactose Broth
M087-100G Nutrient Agar 1.5%
M087-500G Nutrient Agar 1.5%
M087I-500G Nutrient Agar, 1.5%
M088-100G Nutrient Broth, pH 6.9 w/o NaCl
M088-500G Nutrient Broth, pH 6.9 w/o NaCl
M089-100G Blood Agar Base w/ low pH
M089-500G Blood Agar Base w/ low pH
M090-100G Nutrient Agar, pH 6.0 w/ 0.8% NaCl
M090-500G Nutrient Agar, pH 6.0 w/ 0.8% NaCl
M091-100G Plate Count Agar (Standard Methods Agar)
M091-500G Plate Count Agar (Standard Methods Agar)
M091A-100G Plate Count Agar
M091A-500G Plate Count Agar
M091S-100G Plate Count Agar
M091S-500G Plate Count Agar
M092-500G Dextrose Tryptone Agar
M093-500G Tryptose Phosphate Broth
M094-500G Fungal Agar (Mycological Agar)
M095-500G Fungal Agar w/ low pH (Mycological Agar w/ low pH)
M096-100G Potato Dextrose Agar
M096-500G Potato Dextrose Agar
M096B-100G Potato Dextrose Agar
M096B-500G Potato Dextrose Agar
M097-100G Tryptose Blood Agar Base
M097-500G Tryptose Blood Agar Base
M098-100G Purple Agar Base
M098-500G Purple Agar Base
M099-100G Simmons Citrate Agar
M099-500G Simmons Citrate Agar
M099S-100G Simmons Citrate Agar
M099S-500G Simmons Citrate Agar
M1000-500G Dichloran Medium Base w/ Rose Bengal
M1001-500G Liver Meat Agar
M1003-100G Lactose Broth
M1003-500G Lactose Broth
M1003B-100G Broth Medium D (Lactose Monohydrate Broth)
M1003B-500G Broth Medium D (Lactose Monohydrate Broth)
M1003S-100G Lactose Broth
M1003S-500G Lactose Broth
M1004-500G Bismuth Sulphite Agar, Modified
M100-500G TB Broth Base
M1005-500G S.F.P. Agar Base
M1007-500G KF Streptococcus Agar Base w/ BCP
M1008-100G Chloramphenicol Yeast Glucose Agar
M1008-500G Chloramphenicol Yeast Glucose Agar
M1009-100G Leptospira Medium Base
M1009-500G Leptospira Medium Base
M1010-500G Fungi Kimmig Agar Base
M1011-100G Phenol Red Salicin Broth
M1012-100G Phenol Red Sorbitol Broth
M1013-100G Phenol Red Raffinose Broth
M1014-100G Phenol Red Arabinose Broth
M101-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 19
M1015-100G Phenol Red Xylose Broth
M1016-100G Phenol Red Starch Broth
M1017-100G Phenol Red Inositol Broth
M1018-500G Sporulation Broth
M1019-500G M17 Agar w/o Lactose
M1020-500G BPL Agar
M1021-500G KF Streptococcus Broth Base w/ BCP
M1022-500G Gassner Lactose Agar
M1023-100G M-Lauryl Sulphate Broth
M1023-500G M-Lauryl Sulphate Broth
M1023I-500G M-Lauryl Sulphate Broth
M1024-500G MacConkey Agar Base
M102-500G Dextrose Salt Agar
M1025-500G Plate Count Agar, Special
M1026-500G Rice Extract Agar
M1026A-500G Rice Extract Agar
M1027-500G Tomato Juice Broth
M1028-500G Field’s Tryptic Digest Broth (Tryptic Digest Broth)
M1029-100G M17 Broth
M1029-500G M17 Broth
M1030-500G Maximum Recovery Diluent
M1032-500G SS Agar, Modified
M1033-500G Acetamide Agar (Twin Pack)
M1034-100G Anaerobic CNA Agar Base
M103-500G Chocolate Agar Base
M1035-100G Bile Esculin Agar w/ Kanamycin
M1035-500G Bile Esculin Agar w/ Kanamycin
M1036-500G Brain Heart Infusion w/ 0.1% Agar
M1037-500G Brain Heart Infusion w/ 6.5%  NaCl
M1038-500G MUG Brilliant Green Bile Broth
M1039-500G Brucella Agar Base w/ Hemin and Vitamin K
M1040-500G Cooked Meat Medium w/ Glucose, Hemin and Vitamin K
M1041-100G DNase Test Agar w/ Toluidine Blue
M1041-500G DNase Test Agar w/ Toluidine Blue
M1042-500G MUG EC Broth
M1043-500G Egg Yolk Agar Base, Modified
M1044-100G Esculin Iron Agar
M1044-500G Esculin Iron Agar
M104-500G Candida Medium
M1045-500G *Modified Fungal Agar Base (Modified
M1046-500G MUG Lauryl Sulphate Broth
M1046I-500G MUG Lauryl Sulphate Broth, Modified
M1047-500G *Lactose Lecithin Agar
M1048-100G *M-Enterococcus Agar Base, Modified
M1049-500G Differential Agar for Group D Streptococci
M1050-500G Frey Mycoplasma Broth Base
M1051-500G Coliform PA Broth
M1052-500G R-3A Agar
M1053-500G Charcoal Agar Base w/ Niacin
M1054-100G Hippurate Hydrolysis Broth
M1055-100G TOC Agar
M1056-500G Tryptone Tellurite Agar Base
M1057-500G Vaginalis Agar Base
M1058-500G MUG Violet Red Bile Agar
M1059-500G Wayne Sulphatase Agar Base
M1060-500G WL Differential Agar
M1061-500G Yeast Phosphate Agar
M1062-500G Dey-Engley Neutralizing Broth
M1063-100G M17 Agar w/ Glycerophosphate
M1064-100G Listeria Identification Agar Base
M1064-500G Listeria Identification Agar Base
M106-500G B.C.G. - Dextrose Agar (Snyder Test Agar)
M1065-500G Wurtz Medium
M1066-500G M-Tergitol® 7 Agar Base
M1067-500G Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar
M1067B-500G Agar Medium C (Sabouraud-Glucose Agar with Chloramphenicol)
M1068-500G Modified Salt Broth
M1069-500G Brain Heart Infusion Agar w/ 3.0% Agar
M1070-500G Lauryl Tryptose Mannitol Broth w/
M1071-500G Mannitol Lysine Agar
M1072-100G *Lactic Acid Bacteria Selective Agar
M1073-500G GBS Medium Base
M1074-100G Deoxycholate Citrate Agar, Modified (Hynes)
M1074-500G Deoxycholate Citrate Agar, Modified (Hynes)
M107-500G Starch Agar
M1075-500G Endo Agar, Modified
M1076-100G MIU Medium Base
M1076-500G MIU Medium Base
M1077-500G Endo Agar Base
M1078-100G RajHans Medium (Twin Pack)
M1078-500G RajHans Medium (Twin Pack)
M1079-100G Selenite Cystine Broth Base w/o Biselenite
M1079-500G Selenite Cystine Broth Base w/o Biselenite
M1079B-100G Sodium Biselenite
M107D-500G Starch Agar
M107S-100G Starch Agar
M107S-500G Starch Agar
M1080-500G MUG MacConkey Agar
M108-100G SS Agar (Salmonella Shigella Agar)
M1081-500G B.T.B. Lactose Agar, Modified (Lactose Blue Agar)
M1082-100G Salmonella Differential Agar, Modified (Twin pack)
M1082-500G Salmonella Differential Agar, Modified (Twin pack)
M1083-500G Fraser Secondary Enrichment Broth Base
M1084-100G Mueller Hinton Agar No. 2
M1084-500G Mueller Hinton Agar No. 2
M108-500G SS Agar (Salmonella Shigella Agar)
M1085-500G Modified Differential Clostridial Broth
M1086-500G Lactic Bacteria Differential Broth
M1087-500G Lactic Bacteria Differential Agar
M1089-500G Glutamate Starch Phenol Red Agar Base
M108D-100G SS Agar (Salmonella Shigella Agar)
M108D-500G SS Agar (Salmonella Shigella Agar)
M1090-100G Listeria Identification Broth Base
M1090-500G Listeria Identification Broth Base
M109-100G Soyabean Casein Digest Agar w/ Yeast Extract and Hemin (Tryptone Soya Agar w/ Yeast Extract and Hemin)
M1091-500G Baird Staphylococcus Enrichment Broth Base
M1095-500G M-EC Test Agar
M1096-100G Pseudomonas Asparagine Broth
M1096-500G Pseudomonas Asparagine Broth
M1097-500G High Plate Count Agar
M110-100G B12 Assay Agar (Using E. coli Mutant Culture)
M1101-500G M-Bismuth Sulphite Broth
M1102-500G M-Brilliant Green Broth
M1103-100G M-Endo Broth MF (MF Endo Medium)
M1103-500G M-Endo Broth MF (MF Endo Medium)
M1104-500G M-Dextrose Tryptone Broth
M110-500G *B12 Assay Agar (Using E. coli Mutant
M1105-500G M-EMB Broth
M1106-100G M-Endo Agar LES
M1106-500G M-Endo Agar LES
M1107-100G M-Endo Broth
M1107-500G M-Endo Broth
M1108-500G M-Enterococcus Agar Base
M1109-500G M-Enrichment Broth
M1110-500G M-HD Endo Broth
M111-100G Diagnostic Stuart’s Urea Broth Base (Urea Broth Base)
M1111-500G M-FC Broth Base
M1113-500G M-Slanetz Enterococcus Broth Base
M1114-500G M-Standard Methods Broth
M111-500G Diagnostic Stuart’s Urea Broth Base (Urea Broth Base)
M1115-500G M-Tetrathionate Broth Base
M1116-500G M-Tryptone Glucose Extract Broth
M1117-500G M-Yeast and Mould Broth
M1118-500G M-HD Endo Broth w/ BG
M1119-500G M-Azide Broth Base
M111A-500G Urea Broth (Filter Sterilizable)
M1120-500G M-Staphylococcus Broth
M112-100G Urea Agar Base (Christensen) (Autoclavable)
M1121-500G M-PA Agar Base
M1121A-500G *M-PA Agar
M1122-500G M-FC Agar Base
M1123-500G M-(HPC) Heterotrophic Plate Count Agar
M1124-500G M-FC Agar Base, Modified
M112-500G Urea Agar Base (Christensen) (Autoclavable)
M1125-500G M-MacConkey Broth
M1126-500G M-Nutrient Broth
M1127-500G Aspergillus Differentiation Medium Base
M1128-500G Malt Extract Broth, Modified as per
M1129-500G Dichloran Glycerol Medium Base
M112A-500G Urea Agar Base (Filter Sterilizable) (w/o Agar)
M112I-500G Urea Agar Base, Christensen
M112S-100G Urea Agar Base (Christensen)
M112S-500G Urea Agar Base (Christensen)
M1130-500G M-BCG Yeast and Mould Broth
M113-100G Chlamydospore Agar
M1131-100G Stuart Transport Medium w/o Methylene Blue
M1131-500G Stuart Transport Medium w/o Methylene Blue
M1133-500G Columbia Blood Agar Base w/ Hemin
M113-500G Chlamydospore Agar
M1135-100G Phenol Red Galactose Broth
M1136-500G Oxytetra Glucose Yeast Agar Base w/ Biotin
M1137-500G Modified Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium
M1137I-500G Modified Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium
M1138-500G Leifson's Deoxycholate Agar, Modified
M1139-500G Modified MYP Agar Base
M1140-500G Baird Parker Agar Base w/ Sulpha
M1141-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 32
M1142-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 39
M1143-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 40
M1144-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 41
M114-500G Litmus Lactose Agar
M1145-100G Listeria Oxford Medium Base
M1145-500G Listeria Oxford Medium Base
M1146-100G C.L.E.D. Agar Base w/o Indicator
M1146-500G C.L.E.D. Agar Base w/o Indicator
M1147-500G XLT4 Agar Base
M1148-500G Gelatin Salt Agar
M1149-500G Transgrow Medium Base
M1150-500G Modified Bile Esculin Azide Agar
M1151-1KG Luria Bertani Agar, Miller
M1151-2.5KG Luria Bertani Agar, Miller
M1151-500G Luria Bertani Agar, Miller
M1151F-500G Luria Bertani Agar, Modified
M1152-500G Wesley Broth Base
M1153-500G Vibrio Parahaemolyticus Sucrose Agar
M115-500G WL Nutrient Medium
M1155-500G SDS Agar (Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Polymyxin Sucrose Agar)
M1157-500G Bile Salts Brilliant Green Starch Agar
M1158-500G Hemorrhagic Coli (HC) Agar
M1159-500G TMAO Medium (Trimethylamine-N-Oxide Medium)
M1161-500G Inositol Gelatin Medium
M1163-500G *MRS Agar, Modified (Lactobacilli
M1164-500G *MRS Broth, Modified (Lactobacillus
M116-500G Standard Nutrient Broth
M1165-500G *Lactobacillus Selection Oxgall Agar
M1166-500G *Lactobacillus Selection Broth Base
M1167-500G MOX Agar
M1168-500G Osmophilic Glucose Agar (MY 40G Agar)
M1169-500G Kaper's Medium
M1170-500G Czapek Dox Agar, Modified (Modified Czapek Dox Agar)
M1170A-500G Czapek Dox Liquid Medium
M117-100G Fluid Casein Digest Soya Lecithin Medium (Twin Pack)
M1171-500G FGTC Agar Base
M1172-500G Pentachloro Rose Bengal Yeast Extract Agar Base (PRYES Agar)
M1173-500G PL Agar
M1174-500G Potato Dextrose Sucrose Agar
M117-500G Fluid Casein Digest Soya Lecithin Medium (Twin Pack)
M1176-500G Proteose Agar
M1177-500G SA Agar Base
M1178-500G Pre - Enrichment Broth Base
M1180-500G *Lactobacillus Selection Agar Base
M118-100G Mannitol Salt Agar Base
M1182-500G Yeast Extract Calcium Carbonate Glucose Agar
M1183-100G Phenol Red Rhamnose Broth
M118-500G Mannitol Salt Agar Base
M1185-500G Park and Sanders Enrichment Broth Base
M1185I-500G Park and Sanders Broth Base
M1186-500G PA Broth
M1188-100G Fluid Lactose Medium w/ Soya Lecithin and Polysorbate 20 (Twin Pack) (Lactose Medium w/ Soya Lecithin and Polysorbate 20 (Twin Pack))
M1188-500G Fluid Lactose Medium w/ Soya Lecithin and Polysorbate 20 (Twin Pack) (Lactose Medium w/ Soya Lecithin and Polysorbate 20 (Twin Pack))
M1189-100G Loeffler Serum Medium Base
M1189-500G Loeffler Serum Medium Base
M118B-100G Mannitol-Salt-Agar
M118B-500G Mannitol-Salt-Agar
M1190-500G MUG Tryptone Water
M119-100G Pseudomonas Agar (For Pyocyanin)
M1191-500G Semisolid Nutrient Agar
M1191S-100G Semisolid Nutrient Agar
M1191S-500G Semisolid Nutrient Agar
M1192-100G Asparagine Proline Broth
M1192-500G Asparagine Proline Broth
M1193-500G Tryptone Yeast Extract Agar w/ BCP
M1194-500G MUG Plate Count Agar
M119-500G Pseudomonas Agar (For Pyocyanin)
M1195-500G MUG Tryptone Soya Agar
M1196-500G FAGI Agar
M1197-100G FAGI Broth
M1197-500G FAGI Broth
M1198-500G Tryptone Water Broth w/BCP
M1199-500G Yeast Dextrose Agar
M1200-100G Phenol Red Adonitol Broth
M120-100G Pseudomonas Agar (For Fluorescein)
M1201-100G Phenol Red Trehalose Broth
M1202-500G Mueller Tellurite Agar Base
M1203-100G Stuart Transport Medium w/o Sodium Glycerophosphate
M1203-500G Stuart Transport Medium w/o Sodium Glycerophosphate
M1204-500G Trichomonas Broth Base No. 2
M120-500G Pseudomonas Agar (For Fluorescein)
M1205-500G MUG Sorbitol Agar
M1206-500G Liver Meat Infusion Agar
M1207-500G Pepted Meat Broth (Meat Extract w/ Peptone)
M1208-500G Acid Broth
M1209-100G Fluconazole Testing Medium (Twin Pack)
M1209-500G Fluconazole Testing Medium (Twin Pack)
M1210-500G Standard Nutrient Agar No. 1
M121-100G Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2%
M1211-500G Coliform Broth
M121-1KG Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2%
M121-2.5KG Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2%
M1212-500G Bromo Cresol Purple Azide Broth
M1213-500G Modified Skim Milk Agar
M1214-500G Tryptone Soya Yeast Extract Agar
M121-500G Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2%
M1215-500G Listeria Motility Medium
M1217-500G Tryptone Sucrose Tetrazolium Agar Base (TSTA)
M1218-500G High Salt Nutrient Agar
M1219-500G High Salt Peptone Yeast Extract Agar
M121S-100G Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2%
M121S-500G Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2%
M1220-500G TTC Broth Base (Triclosan Ticarcillin Chlorate Broth)
M1221-500G Yersinia Identification Broth Base
M1222-500G Karmali Campylobacter Agar Base
M1223-100G Ornithine Decarboxylase Broth
M1223-500G Ornithine Decarboxylase Broth
M1224-500G Standard Nutrient Broth No. 1
M122-500G Dextrose Tryptone Broth
M1225-500G Acetate Agar
M1226-100G Mucate Broth
M1227-500G Mucate Control Broth
M1228-100G LPM Agar Base
M1229-500G Tryptone Soya Broth w/ 10% NaCl and 1% Sodium Pyruvate
M1230-100G Lysine Arginine Iron (LAI) Agar
M1231-500G Peptone Sorbitol Bile Broth
M1232-500G *Kimmig Fungi Agar Base
M1233-500G Tryptose Cycloserine Dextrose Agar Base
M123-500G Formate Ricinoleate Broth
M1235-100G King's OF Medium Base
M1235-500G King's OF Medium Base
M1236-500G Modified AEA Sporulation Medium Base
M1237-500G Modified Duncan Strong (DS) Medium
M1238-500G Casein Hydrolysate Yeast Extract Salts Broth Base (CAYES)
M1239-500G Colonisation Medium w/ Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffer
M1240-500G Campylobacter Nitrate Broth
M1241-100G CPC Agar Base
M1241-500G CPC Agar Base
M1242-500G Tryptone Soya Salt Agar w/ Magnesium Sulphate
M1243-100G CRAMP Agar Base
M1244-100G Lachica's Medium Base
M1245-1KG Luria Bertani Broth, Miller
M1245-2.5KG Luria Bertani Broth, Miller
M1245-500G Luria Bertani Broth, Miller
M1247-500G Casein Yeast Magnesium Broth (NZYM Broth)
M1248-500G Casein Yeast Magnesium Agar (NZYM Agar)
M1249-500G Casein Magnesium Broth (NZM Broth)
M1250-500G Tartoff - Hobbs Broth (Terrific Broth)
M1251-500G YT Broth (2X YT Broth)
M1252-500G SOB medium (Hanahan’s Broth)
M1253-500G 5X Minimum Salts
M1254-500G Minimum Salt w/ Casein Acid Hydrolysate
M125-500G Thermoacidurans Agar
M1255-500G Tetrathionate Brilliant Green Bile Broth
M1255B-500G Broth Medium I (Tetrathionate Bile-Brilliant Green Broth)
M1256-500G Tetrathionate CV Enrichment Broth
M1257-500G Streptococcus Agalactiae Selective Agar Base
M1258-500G Endo Agar w/ NaCl
M1259-500G Haemophilus Test Agar Base
M1260-500G Tellurite Blood Agar Base
M126-100G Folic Acid Medium, AOAC
M1261-500G Drake’s Medium 10
M1262-500G Ampicillin Dextrin Agar Base
M1263-500G Tryptone Soya Yeast Extract Broth
M1264-500G Carbohydrate Consumption Broth Base
M126-500G *Folic Acid Medium, AOAC
M1265-500G Bromo Cresol Purple Broth w/ Lactose
M1266-500G Malachite Green Broth
M1267-500G Campylobacter Cefex Agar Base
M1268-500G Modified Brucella Agar Base
M1269-500G Nutrient Agar No.2
M1269A-500G Nutrient Agar No.2, Modified
M1269S-100G Nutrient Agar No.2
M1269S-500G Nutrient Agar No.2
M127-100G EC Broth
M1271-500G Azide Dextrose Broth w/ BCP
M1272-500G Tryptone Yeast Extract Agar
M1273-500G Milk Agar w/ Cetrimide (Twin Pack)
M1273S-100G Milk Agar w/ Cetrimide (Twin Pack)
M1273S-500G Milk Agar w/ Cetrimide (Twin Pack)
M1274-500G Nutrient Agar for Oxidase
M127-500G EC Broth
M1275-1KG Buffered Peptone Water w/ NaCl
M1275-2.5KG Buffered Peptone Water w/ NaCl
M1275-500G Buffered Peptone Water w/ NaCl
M1275B-500G Buffered Sodium Chloride-Peptone Solution pH 7.0
M1276-100G Sauton’s Fluid Medium Base
M1276-500G Sauton’s Fluid Medium Base
M1279-500G Tryptose Cycloserine Azide Agar Base
M127I-500G EC Broth
M1281-100G Pantothenate Assay Medium, AOAC
M1282-500G Semisolid Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium Base, Modified
M1283-500G M-Aeromonas Selective Agar Base
M1284-500G Aeromonas Starch DNA Agar Base
M1285-500G Modified EC Broth Base
M1286-500G Soyabean Bile Broth Base
M1286I-500G Modified Soyabean Bile Broth Base
M1287-500G Lactose Sulphite Broth Base
M1287B-500G Lactose Sulphite Broth Base (Broth
M1288-100G Serratia Differential Medium (SD Medium) (Twin Pack)
M1289-500G SM Selective Agar Base
M1290-500G Salt Broth, Modified
M1291-500G APRY Agar Base
M1292-500G APRY Broth Base
M1293-100G *HiCrome ECC Agar
M1293-500G *HiCrome ECC Agar
M1294-100G *HiCrome ECC Selective Agar Base
M1294-500G *HiCrome ECC Selective Agar Base
M129-500G Wort Agar
M1295-100G *HiCrome E. coli Agar
M1295-500G *HiCrome E. coli Agar
M1295I-100G *HiCrome E. coli Agar
M1295I-500G *HiCrome E. coli Agar
M1296-100G *HiCrome Salmonella Agar
M1296-500G *HiCrome Salmonella Agar
M1297A-100G *HiCrome Candida Differential Agar
M1297A-500G *HiCrome Candida Differential Agar
M1299-500G S.T.A. Agar Base
M1300-100G *HiCrome Coliform Agar w/ SLS
M1300-500G *HiCrome Coliform Agar w/ SLS
M1301-100G Sheep Blood Agar Base
M1301-500G Sheep Blood Agar Base
M130-500G Rogosa SL Agar
M1306-500G NZ Amine A Broth
M1307-500G Polysorbate 80 Agar (Twin Pack)
M1309-500G Calcium Caseinate Agar
M1310-500G CAE (Citrate Azide Enterococcus) Agar Base
M1312-500G Liver Broth, Modified
M1313-500G Sabouraud Dextrose Maltose Agar
M1315-500G Clostridium Broth Base
M1316-500G Super Broth
M1318-500G Blood Free Campylobacter Broth Base
M1319-500G *Lecithin Diluent Broth
M1320-500G Mannitol Motility Nitrate Medium
M132-100G Micro Vitamin Test Culture Agar
M1321-500G Semisolid Liver Meat Medium
M1322-500G Liver Meat Glucose Cysteine Broth
M1323-500G M-Filter Rinse Broth
M1324-500G Ketogluconate Broth
M132-500G Micro Vitamin Test Culture Agar
M1325-500G *Lecithin Agar
M1326-500G Shigella Broth Base
M1327-500G Fraser Broth Base
M1329-500G Modified Soyabean Casein Digest Agar
M132D-100G Micro Vitamin Test Culture Agar
M132D-500G Micro Vitamin Test Culture Agar
M1330-500G Streptomyces Medium
M133-100G Micro Vitamin Test Inoculum Broth
M1331-500G SCHWARZ Differential Medium
M1332-500G Universal Liquid Medium
M1333-500G *Lee's Multidifferential Agar
M1334-100G Neutralising Buffer
M133-500G Micro Vitamin Test Inoculum Broth
M1335-500G Czapek Yeast Extract Agar
M1336-500G Antimycotic Sensitivity Test Agar
M1337J-100G Thiosulphate Ringer Solution Powder
M1337J-500G Thiosulphate Ringer Solution Powder
M1339-500G Tryptophan Medium
M1340-100G *HiCrome MacConkey Sorbitol Agar Base
M1340-500G *HiCrome MacConkey Sorbitol Agar Base
M134-100G Folic Acid Culture Agar
M1341-500G Modified Phosphate Buffer
M1342-500G MUG EC Broth, Modified
M1343-500G MUD SF Broth Base
M1344-500G Synthetic Sea Salt
M1345-500G Anaerobic Blood Agar Base
M1346-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium B
M1346B-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium B
M1347-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium E
M1347B-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium E
M1348-500G NYC Agar Base
M1349-500G C.T.  Agar
M1350-500G Aseptic Packing Line Medium
M135-100G Pantothenate Culture Agar
M1351-500G Plate Count Agar w/ BCP
M1352-500G Streptomyces Agar
M1353-100G *HiCrome UTI Agar
M1353-500G *HiCrome UTI Agar
M1354-100G p*M-CP Agar Base
M1354-500G *M-CP Agar Base
M1355-500G DEV Glucose Broth
M1356-500G DEV Lactose Peptone Broth
M1357-500G ECD Agar
M1358-500G ECD MUG Agar
M1359-100G Gelatin Phosphate Buffer
M1359-500G Gelatin Phosphate Buffer
M1360-500G Kundrat Agar
M1362-500G Nutrient Broth No. 2
M1363-500G YPD Broth (YEPD Broth)
M1364-500G Rhamnose Broth
M1365-500G Tryptone Agar
M1366-500G Water Agar
M1367-500G Yersinia Enrichment Broth Base
M1368-500G YPG Agar
M1369-500G YT Agar
M1370-100G Acetamide Nutrient Broth (Twin Pack)
M1370-500G Acetamide Nutrient Broth (Twin Pack)
M1371-500G SD Agar
M1372-500G Universal Pre-enrichment Broth
M1373-500G MUG EC 0157 Agar
M1374-500G Urogenital Mycoplasma Broth Base
M137-500G Malt Extract Agar Base (w/ Mycological
M1375-500G Willis and Hobb’s Medium Base
M1376-100G *HiCrome Enterococci Broth
M1376-500G *HiCrome Enterococci Broth
M1378-500G Drigalski Lactose Agar, Modified
M1379-500G SOC Broth
M1380-500G Leifson Agar
M138-100G Yeast Morphology Agar
M1381-500G Pseudomonas Solanacearum Medium
M1382-500G Esculin Fermentation Broth
M1383-100G Bacillus Medium
M1383-500G Bacillus Medium
M1384-100G Raka Ray No. 3 Broth Base
M1384-500G Raka Ray No. 3 Broth Base
M1385-500G Bryant and Burkey Medium
M1386-500G Esculin Agar
M1387-500G MUG MFC Agar
M1388-500G HC Agar Base
M1389-500G Lactose Peptone Broth
M1390-500G Pagano Levin Base
M139-100G Yeast Nitrogen Base
M1391-500G M-TEC Agar
M1392-500G Crystal Violet Pectate Medium
M1393-100G *HiCrome MM Agar
M1393-500G *HiCrome MM Agar
M1394-500G Bacillus Differentiation Agar
M139-500G *Yeast Nitrogen Base
M1395-500G Bifidobacterium Broth
M1396-500G Bifidobacterium Agar
M1397-500G Ethyl Violet Azide Dextrose Agar
M1399-100G Legionella Enrichment Broth Base
M1401-500G Davis Supplemented Minimum Medium w/o Glucose
M140-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 4 (Yeast Beef Agar)
M141-100G Yeast Carbon Base
M1413-500G Yeast and Mould Broth
M1414-100G Rapid HiEnterococci Agar
M1414-500G Rapid HiEnterococci Agar
M141-500G *Yeast Carbon Base
M1415-100G Diluting Fluid A
M1415-500G Diluting Fluid A
M1416-100G Diluting Fluid K
M1416-500G Diluting Fluid K
M1417-100G *HiCrome Listeria Agar Base, Modified
M1417-500G *HiCrome Listeria Agar Base, Modified
M1418-100G *HiCrome UTI Agar, Modified
M1418-500G *HiCrome UTI Agar, Modified
M1419-100G DNase Test Agar w/ Methyl Green
M1419-500G DNase Test Agar w/ Methyl Green
M1420B-500G Neutralizing fluid
M142-100G Kohn Two Tube Medium No.1 Base
M1421-500G YEP  Agar
M1422-500G Mycological Agar, Modified
M142-500G Kohn Two Tube Medium No.1 Base
M1425-100G Hottinger Broth
M1426-100G *M - E. coli Broth
M1426-500G *M - E. coli Broth
M1427-500G Semisolid IMRV Medium Base
M1428-500G Semisolid RV Medium Base
M1429-500G MUG EC 0157 Agar, Modified
M143-100G Christensen Citrate Agar
M143-500G Christensen Citrate Agar
M144-100G Columbia Blood Agar Base
M144-500G Columbia Blood Agar Base
M1445-500G Modified Lactobacillus Agar
M1446-500G PLET Agar Base
M1448-100G Rappaport Vassiliadis Soyabean Meal Broth (RVSM)
M1448-500G Rappaport Vassiliadis Soyabean Meal Broth (RVSM)
M144A-500G Columbia Blood Agar Base w/ 1% Agar
M144B-500G Columbia Agar (Medium Q)
M1451-500G PLET Agar Base, Modified
M1452-100G Phosphate Buffered Saline, pH 7.2
M1452-500G Phosphate Buffered Saline, pH 7.2
M1453-100G Rapid HiColiform Broth
M1453-500G Rapid HiColiform Broth
M1454-500G Oxacillin Resistance Screening Agar Base
M145-500G Columbia Broth Base
M1455-500G Thiomersal Assay Medium
M1456A-100G HiCrome Candida Diff
M1456A-500G *HiCrome Candida Diff
M1459-500G Letheen Broth w/ Triton X-100
M1460-500G Sabouraud Dextrose Maltose Broth
M146-100G Corn Meal Agar
M1461-500G MUG Nutrient Agar
M1463-500G Bromo Cresol Purple Broth  w/ Dextrose
M1464-500G M-(HPC) Heterotrophic Plate Count Broth
M146-500G Corn Meal Agar
M1465-100G Rapid HiColiform Agar
M1465-500G Rapid HiColiform Agar
M1466-100G *HiCrome Improved Salmonella Agar
M1466-500G *HiCrome Improved Salmonella Agar
M1467-100G *HiCrome OGYE Agar Base
M1467-500G *HiCrome OGYE Agar Base
M1468-100G *HiCrome Aureus Agar Base
M1468-500G *HiCrome Aureus Agar Base
M1469-100G *HiFluoro Pseudomonas Agar Base
M1469-500G *HiFluoro Pseudomonas Agar Base
M1471-500G Ampicillin Dextrin Broth Base
M1472-500G Sabouraud Glucose Agar Base w/ Antibiotics
M1472B-500G Agar Medium C (Sabouraud-Glucose Agar with Antibiotics)
M1474-500G Listeria Selective Agar Base
M147-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 9 (Polymyxin Base Agar)
M148-100G Acetamide Broth (Twin Pack)
M1481-500G Modified Endo Agar Base
M1482-500G Modified Semisolid RV Medium Base
M1483-100G Universal Beer Agar, Modified
M1484-500G Polymyxin Pyruvate Egg Yolk Mannitol Bromothymol Blue Agar Base (PEMBA)
M148-500G Acetamide Broth (Twin Pack)
M1485-500G Antibiotic Sulphonamide Sensitivity Test Agar (ASS Agar)
M1486-500G MUG Bromocresol Purple Broth w/ Lactose
M1487-500G Transport Liquid Medium
M1488-100G *HiCrome ECD Agar  w/ MUG
M1488-500G *HiCrome ECD Agar  w/ MUG
M1489-500G PYR Agar
M148I-100G Acetamide Broth (Twin Pack)
M148I-500G Acetamide Broth (Twin Pack)
M149-100G Cooked Meat Medium (R.C.Medium)
M1491-100G Rappaport Vassiliadis Soya Broth (RVS Broth)
M1491-500G Rappaport Vassiliadis Soya Broth (RVS Broth)
M1491B-100G Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella Enrichment Broth
M1491B-500G Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella Enrichment Broth
M1494I-100G Buffered Peptone Water
M1494I-500G Buffered Peptone Water
M149-500G Cooked Meat Medium (R.C.Medium)
M1496I-500G Mueller Kauffman Tetrathionate
M1498-500G Mycoplasma Cultivation Broth Base
M149S-100G Cooked Meat Medium (R.C.Medium)
M149S-500G Cooked Meat Medium (R.C.Medium)
M1500I-100G Tryptone Salt Broth
M1500I-500G Tryptone Salt Broth
M1504-500G M-BCG Yeast and Mould Agar
M150-500G Corn Meal Agar w/ Dextrose
M1505-100G *HiCrome UTI Selective Agar
M1505-500G *HiCrome UTI Selective Agar
M151-100G Yeast Nitrogen Base w/o Amino Acids and Ammonium Sulphate
M1513-500G Eugonic LT 100 Medium Base w/o Tween 80
M151-500G *Yeast Nitrogen Base w/o Amino Acids
M1517-500G Eugonic LT 100 Broth Base w/o Tween 80
M152-500G Trichophyton Agar-7
M1527-500G Lactose Peptone Water
M1529-500G Soyabean Casein Digest Medium w/ 0.5% Soya Lecithin
M1530-500G Rappaport Vassiliadis R10 Medium
M1532-500G Tryptose Phosphate Broth, Modified
M1533I-500G Fluid Selenite Cystine Broth (Twin Pack)
M1534-500G Selenite Mannitol Broth (Twin Pack)
M153-500G Liver Infusion Broth
M1535-100G SBG Enrichment Broth (Twin Pack)
M1536-500G Dulcitol Selenite Broth (Selenite-F Broth w/ Dulcitol) (Twin Pack)
M1537-500G Mannitol Selenite Broth w/ Brilliant
M1540-100G *L. mono Differential Agar Base
M1540-1KT *L. mono Differential Agar Base
M1540-500G *L. mono Differential Agar Base
M154-100G Reinforced Clostridial Agar
M1541-500G BG 11 Broth
M1542-100G Lowenstein Jensen Medium Base w/o Starch
M1542-500G Lowenstein Jensen Medium Base w/o Starch
M1543-500G King's Medium A Base
M1544-500G King's Medium B Base
M154-500G Reinforced Clostridial Agar
M1548-100G Chocolate No. 2 Agar Base
M1548-500G Chocolate No. 2 Agar Base
M1552-100G L. mono Confirmatory Agar Base
M1552-1KT L. mono Confirmatory Agar Base
M1552-500G L. mono Confirmatory Agar Base
M155-500G Salt Meat Broth
M1561-500G Alicyclobacillus Medium
M156-500G Staphylococcus Agar No. 110 w/ Azide
M1569-500G *HiCrome M-Lauryl Sulphate Agar
M157-100G Tributyrin Agar Base w/o Tributyrin
M1571-100G *HiCrome M-TEC Agar
M1571-500G *HiCrome M-TEC Agar
M1572-500G Soyabean Casein Digest Agar w/ Inhibitor
M1573-100G *HiCrome Klebsiella Selective Agar Base
M1573-500G *HiCrome Klebsiella Selective Agar Base
M1574-100G *HiCrome EC 0157 : H7 Agar (equivalent
M1574-500G *HiCrome EC 0157 : H7 Agar (equivalent
M157-500G Tributyrin Agar Base w/o Tributyrin
M1575-100G *HiCrome EC 0157 : H7 Selective Agar
M1575-500G *HiCrome EC 0157 : H7 Selective Agar
M1576-500G Arabinose Agar Base
M1577-100G *HiCrome Enterobacter sakazakii Agar
M1577-500G *HiCrome Enterobacter sakazakii Agar
M1578-500G BLE Broth Base (Buffered Listeria Enrichment Broth Base)
M1580-100G *HiCrome Enterococcus faecium Agar Base
M1580-500G *HiCrome Enterococcus faecium Agar Base
M1581-500G Thermophilic Acid Resistant Medium
M1582-100G MacConkey Agar w/ CV and w/o NaCl
M1582-500G MacConkey Agar w/ CV and w/o NaCl
M1584-500G Rose Bengal Agar w/ Chlortetracycline
M158-500G Azide Blood Agar Base
M1585-100G Brettanomyces Agar Base
M1586-500G PPLO Modified Broth Base w/o CV
M1587-500G HP6 Agar Base
M1588-500G Basal Mineral Medium
M1589-500G Glucose Agar
M1590-500G Yeast Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar
M159-100G Cystine Tryptone Agar
M1591-500G Tryptone Bile Glucuronic Agar
M1592-500G Bolton Broth Base
M1594-500G *MeReSa Agar Base
M159-500G Cystine Tryptone Agar
M1598-100G *HiCrome Enrichment Broth Base for EC
M1598-500G *HiCrome Enrichment Broth Base for EC
M1599-500G Enrichment Broth for EC O157 : H7
M1600-100G *HiCrome Universal Differential Medium
M1600-500G *HiCrome Universal Differential Medium
M160-100G D.C.L.S. Agar
M1601-500G Antimicrobial Inhibitor Test Agar pH 7.2
M1602-500G Candida Agar
M1603-500G Differential Reinforced Clostridial Agar
M1604-500G Endo DEV Agar
M160-500G D.C.L.S. Agar
M1605-100G Pedi-Lacto Selective Agar Base
M1605-500G Pedi-Lacto Selective Agar Base
M1606-500G Modified Protease Agar
M1607-500G Gum Listeria Medium
M1608-500G b-Streptococcus Selective Agar Base
M1609-500G Gelatin DEV Agar
M1610-500G M-PC Broth
M1611-500G Brain Heart Infusion Agar, Modified
M1612-100G MacConkey Agar w/ Magnesium sulphate
M1612-500G MacConkey Agar w/ Magnesium sulphate
M1613-500G Special YM Medium
M1614-500G Thioglycollate Medium w/o Dextrose and Indicator
M161-500G Kirchner Medium Base, Modified
M1615-500G Casein Soya Agar, Modified
M1616-500G Anaerobic Thioglycollate Medium Base
M1617-500G Schuberts Arginine Broth
M1618-500G Citrate Azide Tween Carbonate Base
M1619-500G Sakazakii DHL Agar
M1620-500G Aero Pseudo Selective Agar
M162-100G Lowenstein Jensen Medium Base (L.J.
M1621-500G Costein’s LDS Test Medium
M1622-100G Rinsing Fluid
M1622-500G Rinsing Fluid
M1623-500G Skim Milk PCA
M1624-100G Mannitol Agar w/Prilion
M1624-500G Mannitol Agar w/Prilion
M162-500G Lowenstein Jensen Medium Base (L.J.
M1626-500G Reuter’s Sorbic Acid Agar Base
M1627-500G Standard Nutrient Agar No. 2
M1628-500G Standard Nutrient Broth No. 2
M1629-500G Modified Iron Sulphite Agar Base
M163-100G Milk Agar
M1631-500G Antimicrobial Inhibitor Test Agar pH 6.0
M1632-500G Antimicrobial Inhibitor Test Agar pH 8.0
M1633-100G Salmonella Agar (HiCrome RajHans Medium)
M1633-500G Salmonella Agar (HiCrome RajHans Medium)
M1634-100G Salmonella Agar, Modified (HiCrome RajHans Medium, Modified)
M1634-500G Salmonella Agar, Modified (HiCrome RajHans Medium, Modified)
M163-500G Milk Agar
M1635-500G Anaerobic Basal Agar
M1636-500G Anaerobic Basal Broth
M1637-500G Arcobacter Broth Base
M1638-500G Brucella Agar Base w/ 1.0% Dextrose
M1639-500G Deoxycholate Citrate Agar w/1.5% Agar
M1640-500G Burkholderia Cepacia Agar Base
M1641-100G *HiCrome Enterobacter sakazakii Agar,
M1641-500G *HiCrome Enterobacter sakazakii Agar,
M1642-500G Letheen Agar w/ Triton X-100
M1643-100G Modified Lauryl Sulphate Tryptose Broth
M1643-500G Modified Lauryl Sulphate Tryptose Broth
M1644-500G L-Arginine Dihydrolase Medium, Modified
M164-500G Antifungal Assay Agar
M1650-500G Alicyclobacillus Agar
M1651-500G *HiCrome Bacillus Agar
M1654-500G Soyabean Bile Broth w/ Novobiocin
M165-500G Letheen Broth, AOAC
M1655-500G Soyabean Casein Digest Medium w/ BCP
M1655G-10KG Soyabean Casein Digest Medium w/BCP, Sterile Powder
M1655G-500G Soyabean Casein Digest Medium w/BCP, Sterile Powder
M1656-500G M-Lauryl Sulphate Agar
M1657-100G Mueller Hinton Broth No. 2 Control
M1657-500G Mueller Hinton Broth No. 2 Control
M1658I-500G Modified Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium
M1659-500G Sabouraud Dextrose Agar w/ Soya lecithin & Polysorbate 80
M1660-500G Modified Cary-Blair Medium
M1661-500G Caulobacter Medium
M1662-500G Enteric Fermentation Base
M1663-100G *HiCrome PA Broth
M1663-500G *HiCrome PA Broth
M1664-500G Tryptone Soya Broth w/ Phenol red
M1665-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium H
M1665B-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium H
M1666-100G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 36
M1666-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 36
M1667-100G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 37
M1667-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 37
M1668-100G BSK - H Medium Base
M1668-500G BSK - H Medium Base
M1674-100G *HiCrome MeReSa Agar Base
M1674-500G *HiCrome MeReSa Agar Base
M167-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 20 (Yeast Beef Broth)
M1678-500G M-Tertitol 7 Agar with Meat Extract
M1679-500G Glucose Agar, Modified
M1680-500G Nutrient Broth, AOAC
M1681-500G *Modified Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar
M1682-100G *HiCrome Vibrio Agar
M1682-500G *HiCrome Vibrio Agar
M1683-500G Bennet’s Broth
M1684-500G Violet Red Bile Agar w/ Glucose and Lactose
M1684B-500G Agar Medium F (Crystal Violet, Neutral Red, Bile Agar with Glucose)
M1685-500G SalEnrich Broth Base
M1686-500G Diluting Fluid D
M1687-500G R2A Broth
M1688-500G R-3A Broth
M1689-500G Super Broth No. II
M1690-500G Bryant and Burkey Agar
M169-100G Heart Infusion Agar
M1691-100G Soyabean Casein Digest Agar w/ LTHTh
M1691-500G Soyabean Casein Digest Agar w/ LTHTh
M1693-500G Brilliant Green Phenol Red Lactose Agar
M169-500G Heart Infusion Agar
M1697-100G Proskauer Beck medium
M1697-500G Proskauer Beck medium
M1698-100G Plate Count Agar w/ 1.2% Agar
M1698-500G Plate Count Agar w/ 1.2% Agar
M1699-500G Modified Tergitol Agar Base w/ 1.0% Agar
M170-100G Heart Infusion Broth
M1701-500G Gelatin Peptone Agar
M1702-100G MacConkey Agar RS
M1702-500G MacConkey Agar RS
M1703-500G SSDC agar
M170-500G Heart Infusion Broth
M1705-500G MUG Brilliant Green Bile Broth,Modified
M1706-500G CASOB Medium (Inactivator Broth)
M1710-500G Tryptose Phosphate BrothCell Culture Grade
M171-100G Kracke Blood Culture Medium
M1712-500G *HiCrome Nickels and Leesment Medium
M1713-500G *HiCrome M-TEC Broth
M1717-500G Acetobacter Broth (Glucose)
M1718-500G Acetobacter Broth (Mannitol)
M1719-500G Pikovskaya’s Broth (Medium)
M1720-500G Azospirillum Medium w/o Agar (Twin Pack)
M1721-500G Azotobacter Broth (Glucose)
M1722-500G Azotobacter Broth (Mannitol)
M1724-500G Inactivator Broth, Modified (Twin Pack)
M172-500G Cystine Heart Agar Base
M1725-500G Luria Broth Base Millers Modification
M1726-500G Luria Agar Base, Millers Modification
M1727-500G MacConkey Sorbitol Agar Base w/ Rhamnose
M173-100G Mueller Hinton Agar
M1733-500G Neo Enrichment Broth Base
M1734-500G BSC Propionate Agar Base (Bifidobacterium Selective Count Agar Base)
M173-500G Mueller Hinton Agar
M1735-100G Stuart Medium w/o Methylene Blue with Charcoal
M1735-500G Stuart Medium w/o Methylene Blue with Charcoal
M1736-100G Baird Parker Agar Base (FPT)
M1736-500G Baird Parker Agar Base (FPT)
M1739-100G A7 Agar Base (Shepard’s Differential Agar Base)
M1739-500G A7 Agar Base (Shepard’s Differential Agar Base)
M1740-500G Welshimers Broth, Modified
M1741-500G M-BCG Yeast and Mould Broth, Modified
M1742-100G Cetrimide Agar Base (w 1.3% Agar)
M1742-500G Cetrimide Agar Base (w 1.3% Agar)
M1743-500G R2A Agar, Modified
M1744-500G Sabouraud Agar Glucose 4%
M174-500G Potato Infusion Agar
M1745-5L Buffered Skim Milk (Twin Pack)
M1746-500G Glucose Agar
M1747-500G Modified Buffered Peptone Water
M1748-500G 0.1% Peptone Salt Solution
M1749-500G Sucrose Diluent 40%
M1752-500G K Agar
M1753-500G YSG Agar
M1754-500G YSG Broth
M175-500G Bordet Gengou Agar Base
M1758-100G CGB Agar (L-Canavanine, Glycine, 2 Bromothymol Blue) Agar (Twin Pack)
M175A-500G Bordet Gengou Agar Base w/ 1.6% Agar
M1761-500G Drigalski Lactose Selective Agar
M1762-100G Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE) Broth Base
M1762-500G Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE) Broth Base
M1763-100G Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE) Agar Base
M1763-500G Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE) Agar Base
M176-500G Liver Veal Agar
M1767-500G Salt Agar, Modified
M1768-500G EC Blue Broth
M1772-500G EC O157:H7 Enrichment Broth
M177-500G Tryptose Broth
M1776-500G Saline Nutrient Agar
M1777-500G Saline Meat Yeast Agar
M1778-500G Saline Lysine Decarboxylase Medium
M1779-500G Saline Tryptone / Tryptophan Medium
M1780-500G TS Saline Agar (Triple Sugar Saline Iron Agar)
M178-100G D.C.L.S. Agar, Hajna
M1781-500G Listeria Oxford Medium Base, Modified
M1783-100G Phosphate Buffer pH 8.0
M1784-500G Urea Indole Medium
M178-500G D.C.L.S. Agar, Hajna
M1785-500G MacConkey Agar w/o CV, w/ 0.5% Sodium ta
M1786-100G Cronobacter Screening Broth
M1786-500G Cronobacter Screening Broth
M1787-500G Yeast Mould Chloramphenicol Agar, Modified
M1788-100G Penicillin and Pimaricin Pseudomonas Agar Base
(PP Pseudomonas Agar Base)
M1788-500G Penicillin and Pimaricin Pseudomonas Agar Base
(PP Pseudomonas Agar Base)
M1789-500G PYR Broth
M179-100G Dubos Oleic Agar Base
M1793-500G TAT Broth,     with Tween 80
M179-500G Dubos Oleic Agar Base
M1796-500G Casein Soya Blood Agar Base
M1797-500G Yeast Sucrose Agar
M1798-500G Bile Esculin Azide Agar,Modified
M1799-500G Bile Esculin Azide Broth,Modified
M1803-500G Clostridium Brazier Agar Base
M180-500G Lead Acetate Agar
M181-100G SIM Medium
M1813-500G Azide Dextrose Broth Modified
M181-500G SIM Medium
M1815-500G Pedi-Lacto Selective Agar Base, Modified
M182-100G Ayers & Johnson Agar (Stock Culture Agar
M182-500G Ayers & Johnson Agar (Stock Culture Agar)
M183-500G Dextrose Starch Agar
M185-100G B12 Culture Agar (E. coli Maintenance Medium) (E. coli Mutant Culture Agar)
M186-500G Dey-Engley Neutralizing Agar (D/E Agar Disinfectant Testing)
M187-500G Dey-Engley Neutralizing Broth Base
M188-100G D.T.M. Agar Base (Dermatophyte Test Agar Base)
M188-500G D.T.M. Agar Base (Dermatophyte Test Agar Base)
M189-100G TCBS Agar
M189-500G TCBS Agar
M190-500G Thioglycollate Medium w/o Dextrose
M191-500G Diagnostic Thioglycollate Medium (Thioglycollate Medium w/o Indicator)
M193-500G Thiostarch Broth
M194-100G NIH Agar
M194-500G NIH Agar
M195-100G Brewer Thioglycollate Medium, Modified (Thioglycollate Medium, Linden)
M195-500G Brewer Thioglycollate Medium, Modified (Thioglycollate Medium, Linden)
M195A-100G Brewer Thioglycollate Medium, Modified
M195A-500G Brewer Thioglycollate Medium, Modified
M196-500G Middlebrook 7H10 Agar Base, Special
M197-500G Middlebrook 7H9 Agar Base A
M198-500G Middlebrook 7H9 Broth Base
M199-500G Middlebrook 7H10 Agar Base
M200-500G Casein Hydrolysate Broth
M200A-500G Casein Hydrolysate Broth, Modified
M201-500G Casman Agar Base
M202-100G Cary - Blair Medium Base (Transport Medium w/o Charcoal)
M202-500G Cary - Blair Medium Base (Transport Medium w/o Charcoal)
M204-100G Buffered Glycerol Saline Base
M204-500G Buffered Glycerol Saline Base
M205-500G B.D.G. - Broth, Hajna
M206-100G B12 Inoculum Broth
M207-100G Soyabean Casein Digest Medium w/ Yeast Extract and Hemin w/o Dextrose (Tryptone Soya w/ Yeast Extract and Hemin w/o Dextrose)
M208-100G Vitamin Free Yeast Base
M209-100G Brain Heart CC Agar
M210-100G Brain Heart Infusion Broth
M210-500G Brain Heart Infusion Broth
M210I-500G Brain Heart Infusion Broth
M211-100G Brain Heart Infusion Agar (Special Infusion Agar)
M211-500G Brain Heart Infusion Agar (Special Infusion Agar)
M211A-500G Brain Heart Infusion Agar w/ 1% Agar
M212-500G Brain Heart Infusion w/ PABA
M213-500G Brain Heart Infusion w/ PABA and Agar
M215-500G Chapman Stone Agar
M216-500G Boric Acid Broth
M217-100G Bi.G.G.Y. Agar (Nickerson Medium)
M217-500G Bi.G.G.Y. Agar (Nickerson Medium)
M219-500G B.C.P.-D.C.L.S. Agar
M220-500G B.A.G.G. Broth Base (Buffered Azide Glucose Glycerol Broth Base)
M221-500G AATCC Bacteriostasis Broth (FDA Broth)
M222-100G Deoxycholate Citrate Agar w/o Sucrose
M222-500G Deoxycholate Citrate Agar w/o Sucrose
M223-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 6
M224-500G Drosophila Medium
M225-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 10 (Polymyxin Seed Agar)
M226-500G APT Agar
M227-500G APT Broth
M228-500G Anaerobic Agar
M229-500G Anaerobic Agar w/o Dextrose and Eh Indicator
M230-500G Anaerobic Agar w/o Dextrose
M231-500G AATCC Bacteriostasis Agar
M232-500G AATCC Mineral Salts Agar
M233-500G Actinomyces Broth
M234-500G AK Agar No.2 (Sporulating Agar) (Arret and Kirshbaum Medium)
M235-500G Ammonium Phosphate Agar
M236-500G Extract Agar (FDA Agar)
M238-500G Acetobacter Agar (Glucose)
M239-100G Fletcher Leptospira Medium Base (Leptospira Medium Base, Fletcher)
M239-500G Fletcher Leptospira Medium Base (Leptospira Medium Base, Fletcher)
M240-100G Sucrose Salicin Agar
M241-500G Dextrose Mannitol Agar (Gillies Agar No. 1)
M242-100G GN Broth, Hajna
M242-500G GN Broth, Hajna
M243-500G H Broth
M244-100G Nutrient Broth w/ 1% Peptone
M244-500G Nutrient Broth w/ 1% Peptone
M244S-100G Nutrient Broth w/ 1% Peptone
M244S-500G Nutrient Broth w/ 1% Peptone
M245-500G HS Medium
M246-500G *Mold Inhibitory Agar, Ulrich
M247-100G IUT Medium Base
M247-500G IUT Medium Base
M248-500G KF Streptococcal Agar Base
M249-500G KF Streptococcal Broth Base
M253-500G Malt Agar
M254-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 13 (Nystatin Assay Broth)
M255-500G Malt Extract Broth Base
M259-500G Mitis Salivarius Agar Base
M260-500G Motility Test Medium
M264-500G Fungal Broth (Mycological Broth)
M265-500G Fungal Broth w/ low pH (Mycological Broth w/ low pH)
M266-100G PPLO Agar Base
M266-500G PPLO Agar Base
M267-500G PPLO Broth Base w/o CV
M268-500G PPLO Broth Base w/ CV
M269-100G Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar Base
M269-500G Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar Base
M269A-100G Phenylethanol Agar Base
M269A-500G Phenylethanol Agar Base
M270-100G Phenol Red Lactose  Agar
M270-500G Phenol Red Lactose  Agar
M271-100G Phenol Red Maltose Agar
M271-500G Phenol Red Maltose Agar
M272-100G Coagulase Mannitol Agar Base
M272-500G Coagulase Mannitol Agar Base
M273-100G Phenol Red Sucrose Agar
M273-500G Phenol Red Sucrose Agar
M274-100G Phenol Red Sucrose Broth
M274-500G Phenol Red Sucrose Broth
M275-100G Phenol Red Lactose Broth
M275-500G Phenol Red Lactose Broth
M275I-100G Phenol Red Lactose Broth
M275I-500G Phenol Red Lactose Broth
M276-100G Phenol Red Maltose Broth
M276-500G Phenol Red Maltose Broth
M277-100G Coagulase Mannitol Broth Base
M277-500G Coagulase Mannitol Broth Base
M279-100G Phenol Red Broth Base w/ Meat Extract
M279-500G Phenol Red Broth Base w/ Meat Extract
M280-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 12 (Nystatin Assay Agar)
M281-100G Phenylalanine Agar
M281-500G Phenylalanine Agar
M282-500G PKU Test Agar Base
M284-500G Purple Broth Base
M284D-500G Purple Broth Base
M286-100G Dextrose Agar Base, Emmons (Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Base, Modified)
M286-500G Dextrose Agar Base, Emmons (Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Base, Modified)
M287-100G EE Broth, Mossel
M287-500G EE Broth, Mossel
M287A-500G EE Broth, Modified
M287B-500G Enrichment Broth Medium E (Enterobacteria Enrichment Broth-Mossel)
M287D-500G EE Broth, Mossel
M287I-500G EE Broth, Mossel
M290-100G Casein Soyabean Digest Agar (Soyabean Casein Digest Agar) (Tryptone Soya Agar)
M290-500G Casein Soyabean Digest Agar (Soyabean Casein Digest Agar) (Tryptone Soya Agar)
M290B-100G Agar Medium B (Casein Soyabean Digest Agar)
M290B-500G Agar Medium B (Casein Soyabean Digest Agar)
M291-100G Schaedler Agar
M291-500G Schaedler Agar
M292-500G Schaedler Broth
M293-500G Sellers Differential Agar
M294-500G Edwards and Bruner Semisolid Medium
M296-500G Sensitivity Test Medium
M297-500G SF Broth
M298-100G Sorbitol Agar (MacConkey Sorbitol Agar)
M298-500G Sorbitol Agar (MacConkey Sorbitol Agar)
M298I-500G  MacConkey Sorbitol Agar Base
M299-500G Sorbitol Iron Agar
M300-100G Specimen Preservative Medium  Base (SP Hajna)
M301-100G EMB Agar Base
M301-500G EMB Agar Base
M302-100G Plate Count Agar w/ Tween 80 and Lecithin (Standard Methods Agar w/ Tween 80 and Lecithin)
M302-500G Plate Count Agar w/ Tween 80 and Lecithin (Standard Methods Agar w/ Tween 80 and Lecithin)
M303-500G Streptococcus Selection Broth
M304-500G Streptococcus Selection Agar
M305-500G Trichomonas Broth Base, Kupferberg
M306-100G Stuart Transport Medium (Transport Medium, Stuart)
M306-500G Stuart Transport Medium (Transport Medium, Stuart)
M307-500G Sugar Free Agar
M308-500G Sulpha Sensitivity Test Agar
M309-500G Sulphate API Agar w/o Sodium Lactate
M310-500G Sulphate API Broth w/o Sodium Lactate
M311-500G Sulphite Agar
M313-100G Todd Hewitt Broth
M313-500G Todd Hewitt Broth
M314-500G Tinsdale Agar Base
M315-500G Transport Charcoal Medium
M317-100G EMB Agar
M317-500G EMB Agar
M318-500G Enrichment Medium
M319-500G Tryptone Agar Base
M320-500G Tryptone Dextrose Agar
M321-500G Tryptone Lactose Iron Agar
M322-500G Soyabean Casein Digest Medium w/o Dextrose (Tryptone Soya Broth w/o Dextrose)
M323-500G Soyabean Casein Digest Medium w/ 0.1% Agar (Tryptone Soya Broth w/ 0.1% Agar)
M325-500G Emerson Agar
M327-100G Tetrathionate Broth Base, Hajna (TT Broth Base)
M327-500G Tetrathionate Broth Base, Hajna (TT Broth Base)
M328-500G Veal Infusion Agar
M329-500G Veal Infusion Broth
M330-500G Lysine Lactose Broth
M331-500G Wilson Blair Agar Base
M332-500G Wilson Blair Agar w/ BG
M333-500G Wort Broth
M334-500G Synthetic Broth, AOAC (Wright and Mundy Broth)
M336-500G Xylose Lysine Agar Base
M337-500G AC Agar
M339-500G Acetate Differential Agar
M340-500G Bile Esculin Agar Base
M341-500G Actinomyces Agar
M342-100G Algae Culture Broth
M342-500G Algae Culture Broth
M343-500G Algae Culture Agar
M344-500G Charcoal Agar Base
M345-500G Azide Dextrose Broth
M346-500G Acetobacter Agar w/ Liver Extract
M348-100G Brucella Broth Base
M348-500G Brucella Broth Base
M349-500G Bushnell Haas Agar
M350-100G Bushnell Haas Broth
M350-500G Bushnell Haas Broth
M351-500G CHO Medium Base
M352-100G C.L.E.D.Agar w/ Andrade Indicator
M352-500G C.L.E.D.Agar w/ Andrade Indicator
M353-500G CSMA Broth (Disinfectant Test Medium)
M354-500G Disinfectant Test Broth, AOAC
M355-500G Candida BCG Agar Base
M356-100G Tryptone Yeast Extract Broth
M356-500G Tryptone Yeast Extract Broth
M358-100G ISP Medium No. 3
M358-500G ISP Medium No. 3
M359-100G ISP Medium No. 4 (Inorganic Salt Starch
M359-500G ISP Medium No. 4 (Inorganic Salt Starch
M360-100G ISP Medium No. 5 (Glycerol Asparagine
M360-500G ISP Medium No. 5 (Glycerol Asparagine
M361-100G Peptone Yeast Extract Iron Agar
M361-500G Peptone Yeast Extract Iron Agar
M362-100G Tyrosine Agar
M362-500G Tyrosine Agar
M363-100G Carbon Utilisation Agar
M363-500G Carbon Utilisation Agar
M364-100G Tryptone Nitrate Medium
M364-500G Tryptone Nitrate Medium
M366-100G *Lactobacilli Agar, AOAC
M367-500G *Lactobacilli Broth, AOAC
M368-500G Elliker Broth (Lactobacilli Broth)
M369-100G *MRS Broth
M369-500G *MRS Broth
M370-500G Acetobacter Agar (Mannitol)
M371-500G Azotobacter Agar (Glucose)
M372-500G Azotobacter Agar (Mannitol)
M373-500G Littman Oxgall Agar Base
M374-500G Liver Infusion Agar
M376-100G Lysine Decarboxylase Broth
M376-500G  Lysine Decarboxylase Broth
M376I-100G Lysine Decarboxylase Broth w/o Peptone
M376I-500G Lysine Decarboxylase Broth w/o Peptone
M377-100G Lysine Iron Agar
M377-500G Lysine Iron Agar
M378-500G MIO Medium (Motility Indole Ornithine
M379-500G Marine Oxidation Fermentation Medium
M380-500G Fluid Thioglycollate Medium w/ Beef Extract
M381-100G Casitone Glycerol Yeast Autolysate Broth Base (CGY)
M381-500G Casitone Glycerol Yeast Autolysate Broth Base (CGY)
M382-100G Malonate Broth
M382-500G Malonate Broth
M383-500G Mannitol Salt Broth
M384-100G Zobell Marine Agar 2216
M384-500G Zobell Marine Agar 2216
M385-100G Zobell Marine Broth 2216
M385-500G Zobell Marine Broth 2216
M386-500G McBride Listeria Agar Base
M387-500G McClung Toabe Agar Base
M389-500G Minimal Broth, Davis
M390-500G Minimal Broth, Davis w/o Dextrose
M391-100G Mueller Hinton Broth
M391-500G Mueller Hinton Broth
M392-500G Enterococcus Confirmatory Agar
M393-100G Decarboxylase Broth Base, Moeller (Moeller Decarboxylase Broth Base)
M393-500G Decarboxylase Broth Base, Moeller (Moeller Decarboxylase Broth Base)
M394-500G Enterococcus Confirmatory Broth
M395-100G OF Basal Medium
M395-500G OF Basal Medium
M397-500G Oat Meal Agar
M398-500G PKU Test Agar w/ Thienylalanine
M400-500G Actidione Agar w/ Actidione®
M401-500G Blue Agar
M402-500G TPEY Agar Base
M403-500G Potato Dextrose Broth
M404-500G Potato Malt Agar
M406-100G Pseudomonas Isolation Agar Base
M406-500G Pseudomonas Isolation Agar Base
M407-500G Rogosa SL Broth
M408-500G Rhizobium Medium
M409-500G SABHI Agar Base
M410-500G WL Differential Broth
M411-100G Simmons Agar Base
M412-100G Spirolate Broth, OMATA
M413-100G Thayer Martin Medium Base
M413-500G Thayer Martin Medium Base
M414-500G *Letheen Agar
M415-100G Universal Beer Agar (UB Agar)
M415-500G Universal Beer Agar (UB Agar)
M416-500G Veillonella Agar Base
M417-100G Vitamin B12 Agar
M418-100G Maintenance Medium for B. subtilis ATCC
M419-500G Enterococcus Presumptive Broth
M424-100G YM Agar
M424-500G YM Agar
M425-100G Yeast Malt Broth (YM Broth)
M425-500G Yeast Malt Broth (YM Broth)
M426-500G Ethyl Violet Azide Broth (E.V.A. Broth)
M426S-100G Ethyl Violet Azide Broth (E.V.A. Broth)
M426S-500G Ethyl Violet Azide Broth (E.V.A. Broth)
M428-500G Eugonic Agar
M429-500G Eugonic Broth
M430-500G Thioglycollate Medium  w/ K Agar
M431-500G Forget Fredette Agar
M432-100G Furunculosis Agar
M432-500G Furunculosis Agar
M433-100G Glucose Cysteine Agar Base w/ Thiamine
M433-500G Glucose Cysteine Agar Base w/ Thiamine
M434-100G GC Agar Base
M434-500G GC Agar Base
M435-500G Glucose Citrate Broth Base
M437-500G Yeast Beef Assay Broth
M438-500G Diamalt Agar
M439-100G Nitrate Broth
M439-500G Nitrate Broth
M439S-100G Nitrate Broth
M439S-500G Nitrate Broth
M440-100G Peptone Iron Agar
M442-500G Peptonized Milk Agar
M443-100G Reinforced Clostridial Broth
M443-500G Reinforced Clostridial Broth
M443A-100G Reinforced Clostridial Broth w/o Agar
M443A-500G Reinforced Clostridial Broth w/o Agar
M443B-100G Reinforced Medium for Clostridia (Medium P)
M443B-500G Reinforced Clostridial Broth (Medium P)
M445-500G Spirit Blue Agar
M448-500G Tellurite Glycine Agar Base
M449-100G Soyabean Casein Digest Agar w/ Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 (Tryptone Soya Agar w/ Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 / Tween 80) (Microbial Content Test Agar)
M449-500G Soyabean Casein Digest Agar w/ Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 (Tryptone Soya Agar w/ Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 / Tween 80) (Microbial Content Test Agar)
M450-500G Tryptose Blood Agar Base w/ Yeast Extract
M455-500G Soil Extract Agar
M456-100G Yeast Extract Agar
M456-500G Yeast Extract Agar
M456I-100G Yeast Extract Agar, Modified
M456I-500G Yeast Extract Agar, Modified
M457-100G Leptospira Medium Base, Korthof,
M457-500G Leptospira Medium Base, Korthof,
M458-500G Violet Red Bile Broth
M459-500G Robinson Medium for Entamoeba (Twin pack)
M460-500G Trichomonas Modified CPLM Medium Base
M461-100G Phosphate Buffer, APHA, pH 7.2
M461-500G Phosphate Buffer, APHA, pH 7.2
M462-500G B.Q.Vaccine Medium (Thioglycollate Broth w/ Liver Extract)
M463-100G Tryptone Broth (Tryptone Water)
M463-500G Tryptone Broth (Tryptone Water)
M463I-500G Tryptone Water
M463S-100G Tryptone Water w/o Sodium Chloride
M463S-500G Tryptone Water w/o Sodium Chloride
M464-500G Disinfectant Test Broth (Staphylococcus Aureus Enrichment Broth)
M465-500G Streptococcus Enrichment Broth (SE Broth)
M466-500G Ellners Broth
M467-100G Hektoen Enteric Agar
M467-500G Hektoen Enteric Agar
M467D-100G Hektoen Enteric Agar
M467D-500G Hektoen Enteric Agar
M470-500G BYE Agar
M472-500G Levinthal's Medium Base
M474-100G Monsur Medium Base
M474-500G Monsur Medium Base
M475-100G Fungobiotic Agar (Mycobio Agar)
M475-500G Fungobiotic Agar (Mycobio Agar)
M476-500G Garrod Actinomyces Medium
M481-500G Bile Peptone Transport Medium
M482-100G DNase Test Agar Base
M482-500G DNase Test Agar Base
M483-500G Gluconate Test Medium
M485-100G *Hi-Sensitivity Test Agar
M485-500G *Hi-Sensitivity Test Agar
M485A-500G *HiSitest Agar
M486-100G *Hi-Sensitivity Test Broth
M486-500G *Hi-Sensitivity Test Broth
M490-500G Actinomycete Isolation Agar
M491-500G Anaerobic Agar (Brewer)
M492-100G B.G. Sulpha Agar (Brilliant Green Sulpha Agar)
M492-500G B.G. Sulpha Agar (Brilliant Green Sulpha Agar)
M493-500G Bile Esculin Azide Agar
M493I-500G Bile Esculin Azide Agar
M495-500G Christensen Citrate Sulphite Agar
M497-100G Clostridial Agar
M497-500G Clostridial Agar
M499-500G Cooke Rose Bengal Agar Base
M500-100G Culture Medium for RWC (Disinfectant Test Broth) (RWC Medium)
M500-500G Culture Medium for RWC (Disinfectant Test Broth) (RWC Medium)
M501-500G Decarboxylase Agar Base
M502-100G Diagnostic Sensitivity Test Agar (D.S.T. Agar)
M502-500G Diagnostic Sensitivity Test Agar (D.S.T. Agar)
M503-100G EMB Broth
M503-500G EMB Broth
M505-500G Herellea Agar
M507-500G Litmus Lactose Bile Salt Agar (LLBSA)
M510-100G Kanamycin Esculin Azide Agar
M510-500G Kanamycin Esculin Azide Agar
M510A-100G Kanamycin Esculin Azide Agar Base
M511-500G Middlebrook 7H11 Agar Base
M511A-500G Middlebrook 7H11 Agar Base w/o
M512-500G Minimal Agar
M514-500G Motility Medium S Base
M515-500G Motility Sulphide Medium
M518-100G Azospirillum Medium w/ 0.17% Agar (Twin Pack)
M518-500G Azospirillum Medium w/ 0.17% Agar (Twin Pack)
M519-100G Pike Streptococcal Broth Base
M5194-100G Amies Medium w/o Charcoal and Agar
M5194-500G Amies Medium w/o Charcoal and Agar
M519-500G Pike Streptococcal Broth Base
M520-100G Pikovskaya’s Agar
M520-500G Pikovskaya’s Agar
M521-100G Staphylococcus Agar No.110
M521-500G Staphylococcus Agar No.110
M523-100G Sulphate API Broth w/o NaCl
M523-500G Sulphate API Broth w/o NaCl
M525-100G Ringer Salt Solution Powder
M525-500G Ringer Salt Solution Powder
M529-500G Teepol Broth (Twin Pack)
M529I-500G Teepol Broth, Modified (Twin Pack)
M530-500G Skim Milk
M531-500G Trichophyton Agar-1
M532-500G Trichophyton Agar-2
M533-500G Trichophyton Agar-3
M534-500G Trichophyton Agar-4
M535-500G Trichophyton Agar-5
M536-500G Trichophyton Agar-6
M537-100G Loffler Medium Base
M537-500G Loffler Medium Base
M538-500G Tryptose Agar
M539-100G MacConkey Broth (Double Strength) w/
M539-500G MacConkey Broth (Double Strength) w/
M539S-100G MacConkey Broth (Double Strength) w/
M539S-500G MacConkey Broth (Double Strength) w/
M540-100G Phenylethyl Blood Agar Base (Anaerobic)
M540-500G Phenylethyl Blood Agar Base (Anaerobic)
M541-100G Folic Acid Inoculum Medium
M542-100G Pantothenate Inoculum Broth
M543-100G Folic Acid Casei Medium
M549-100G Differential Reinforced Clostridial Broth Base
M549-500G Differential Reinforced Clostridial Broth Base
M549I-500G Differential Reinforced Clostridial Broth Base
M551-100G Hartley's Digest Broth
M551-500G Hartley's Digest Broth
M552-500G Clausen Medium
M553-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium G
M553B-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium G
M555-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium C
M555B-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium C
M556-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium D
M556B-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium D
M557-500G Luria Agar
M558-500G Cholera Medium Base
M559-100G Sulphur Medium (Twin Pack)
M559-500G Sulphur Medium (Twin Pack)
M560-500G Columbia C.N.A. Agar Base
M560A-500G Columbia C.N.A. Agar Base w/ 1% Agar
M561-100G Nutrient Agar, pH 6.8
M561-500G Nutrient Agar, pH 6.8
M561A-100G Nutrient Agar, pH 7.0
M561A-500G Nutrient Agar, pH 7.0
M562-500G T.A.T. Broth Base
M563-100G Caffeic Acid Ferric Citrate Test Agar (CAFC Medium)
M564-500G Yersinia Isolation Agar
M565-500G FNA Medium (Fluorescein Denitrification Agar)
M567-500G *Listeria Selective Agar (Twin pack)
M569-500G *Listeria Enrichment Broth (Twin pack)
M570-100G Phenol Red Mannitol Broth
M570-500G Phenol Red Mannitol Broth
M571-100G Phenol Red Mannitol Agar
M571-500G Phenol Red Mannitol Agar
M573-500G Salmonella Agar, ONOZ
M574-500G Plesiomonas Differential Agar
M575-500G Luria Broth
M576-500G RS Medium Base
M578-500G Standard Staphylococcus Broth
M579-500G Perfringens Agar Base (O.P.S.P.)
M580-500G China Blue Lactose Agar
M581-500G Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar w/o Lactose
M581BP-500G Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar
M582-500G Lactobacillus Streptococcus
M583-100G K.R.A.N.E.P. Agar Base
M584-100G Giolitti-Cantoni Broth Base
M584-500G Giolitti-Cantoni Broth Base
M584I-500G Giolitti-Cantoni Broth Base
M585-500G Buffered Yeast Agar
M586-500G Crystal Violet Tetrazolium Agar Base
M588-100G Standard Methods Caseinate Agar
M590-100G Halophilic Agar
M590-500G Halophilic Agar
M591-100G Halophilic Broth
M591-500G Halophilic Broth
M592-500G Sea Water Agar (Twin Pack)
M593-500G Tryptone Soya Agar w/ added NaCl
M594-500G Osmophilic Agar (MY 40 Agar)
M596-500G MP-5 Medium
M597-500G MP-7 Medium
M599-100G Lactic Agar
M600-500G *Modified Rogosa Agar (M16 Agar)
M601-100G HYA Agar
M602-500G Lee's Agar
M606-500G Chopped Liver Broth
M608-500G Thioglycollate Agar
M609-100G Litmus Milk
M609-500G Litmus Milk
M609S-100G Litmus Milk
M609S-500G Litmus Milk
M610-100G Thiogel Medium
M610-500G Thiogel Medium
M611-500G PE-2 Medium
M612-500G Slanetz and Bartley Medium
M612A-500G Slanetz and Bartley Medium w/o TTC
M612I-500G Slanetz and Bartley Medium
M613-100G Toluidine Blue DNA Agar
M613I-100G Toluidene Blue DNA agar
M614-100G Buffered Peptone Water
M614-500G Buffered Peptone Water
M614S-100G Buffered Peptone Water
M614S-500G Buffered Peptone Water
M615-100G Iron Oxidizing Medium (Twin pack)
M615-500G Iron Oxidizing Medium (Twin pack)
M616-100G Tergitol-7 Agar Base
M616-500G Tergitol-7 Agar Base
M616I-500G Tergitol-7 Agar Base, Modified
M617-100G Phenol Red Dulcitol Broth
M617-500G Phenol Red Dulcitol Broth
M618-100G Alkaline Peptone Water
M618-500G Alkaline Peptone Water
M618I-500G Alkaline Peptone Water
M618S-100G Alkaline Peptone Water
M618S-500G Alkaline Peptone Water
M619-100G Arginine Dihydrolase Broth
M619-500G Arginine Dihydrolase Broth
M621-100G Glucose Salt Teepol Broth (Twin pack)
M621-500G Glucose Salt Teepol Broth (Twin pack)
M621S-100G Glucose Salt Teepol Broth (Twin pack)
M621S-500G Glucose Salt Teepol Broth (Twin pack)
M622-100G Isolation Medium For Iron Bacteria
M622-500G Isolation Medium For Iron Bacteria
M624-500G  Mycoplasma Synoviae Medium Base
M626-500G Wagatsuma Agar Base
M627-500G Lipovitellin Salt Mannitol Agar Base
M628-500G Lactose Gelatin Medium
M630-500G Motility Nitrate Medium, Buffered
M630I-500G Motility Nitrate Medium, Buffered
M632-500G SPS Agar
M634-100G Tryptose Sulphite Neomycin Agar
M634-500G Tryptose Sulphite Neomycin Agar
M635-100G M 7 Hr FC Agar
M635-500G M 7 Hr FC Agar
M636-100G Phenol Red Egg Yolk Polymyxin Agar Base
M636-500G Phenol Red Egg Yolk Polymyxin Agar Base
M636S-100G Phenol Red Egg Yolk Polymyxin Agar Base
M636S-500G Phenol Red Egg Yolk Polymyxin Agar Base
M637-500G Modified V.P. Broth
M638-500G V8 Juice Agar
M639-500G Oxytetra Glucose Yeast Agar Base (OGYE Agar Base)
M639I-500G Oxytetra Glucose Yeast Agar Base (OGYE Agar Base)
M640-100G Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar
M640-500G Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar
M641-100G *MRS Agar
M641-500G *MRS Agar
M641I-500G *MRS Agar
M642-100G Lysine Medium Base
M642-500G Lysine Medium Base
M643-500G Mineral Modified Glutamate Medium Base
M643A-500G Mineral Modified Glutamate Medium Base
M643I-500G Minerals Modified Glutamate Agar Base
M645-500G Shapton Medium
M646-500G Charcoal Blood Agar Base
M649-500G Dextrose Peptone Agar
M650-500G Dextrose Peptone Broth
M651-100G Amies Transport Medium w/ Charcoal
M651-500G Amies Transport Medium w/ Charcoal
M652-100G Phenolphthalein Phosphate Agar
M652-500G Phenolphthalein Phosphate Agar
M658-500G KG Agar Base
M659-500G Drigalski Litmus Lactose Agar
M661-500G Milk Salt Agar Base
M662-500G VP Medium
M663-500G Littman Oxgall Broth Base
M664-100G Sabouraud Cycloheximide Chloramphenicol Agar
M665-500G Trichomonas Agar Base
M669-100G Oak Wilt Fungus Agar
M670-100G Peptone Yeast Dextrose Agar (Cantino)
M671-100G Peptone Yeast Dextrose Broth (Cantino)
M671-500G Peptone Yeast Dextrose Broth (Cantino)
M672-500G Asparagine Broth (Coccidioidin and Histoplasmin Broth)
M675-100G Bird Seed Agar (Staib’s Medium)
M676-500G Bromo Cresol Purple Broth Base (Yeast Fermentation Broth Base)
M677-100G Yeast Nitrogen Base Agar (Twin pack)
M681-100G NNN Modified Medium (Twin Pack)
M684-100G Transport Medium, Amies w/o Charcoal
M684-500G Transport Medium, Amies w/o Charcoal
M686-500G Gelatin Iron Agar
M687-100G Moeller Decarboxylase Broth w/ Lysine
M688-100G Moeller Decarboxylase Broth w/
M689-100G Moeller Decarboxylase Broth w/ Arginine
M693-500G Richard’s Synthetic Agar
M694-500G Bennet’s Agar
M695-500G Kenknight & Munaier's Medium
M696-500G Potato Carrot Agar
M697-100G Chu’s Medium No. 10
M698-100G Pringsheim’s Medium
M699-500G Cyanophycean Agar
M706-500G Ashby’s Mannitol Agar
M707-500G Burk’s Medium
M708-500G Beijerinckia Medium
M710-100G Jensen's Medium
M710-500G Jensen's Medium
M712-100G Norris Glucose Nitrogen Free Medium
M713-500G Ashby’s Glucose Agar
M715-100G Yeast Mannitol Agar w/ 1.5% Agar
M715-500G Yeast Mannitol Agar w/ 1.5% Agar
M716-500G Yeast Mannitol Broth
M717-100G Hofer's Alkaline Medium
M718-100G Jensen Seedling Agar
M718-500G Jensen Seedling Agar
M720-100G Yeast Lactose Agar
M721-500G Yeast Mannitol Agar w/ Congo Red
M723-100G Modified Raggios Medium
M723-500G Modified Raggios Medium
M724-100G Asparagine Nitrate Medium
M724-500G Asparagine Nitrate Medium
M725-100G Asparagine Gelatin Lactate Medium Base
M726-500G Thiosulphate Agar
M728-100G Citrate Agar
M728-500G Citrate Agar
M730-500G Conn’s Agar
M731-500G Corn Meal Peptone Yeast Agar
M732-100G Czapek Malt Agar
M732-500G Czapek Malt Agar
M734-500G Dextrose Proteose Peptone Agar Base
M735-500G Egg Meat Medium
M736-500G Limabean Agar
M738-500G Enriched Thioglycollate Broth
M739-100G Bile Salt Agar
M739-500G Bile Salt Agar
M739S-100G Bile Salts Agar
M739S-500G Bile Salts Agar
M741-100G DNase Test Agar Base w/o DNA
M741-500G DNase Test Agar Base w/o DNA
M742-100G L.D. Agar
M742-500G L.D. Agar
M743-100G L.D. Esculin Agar
M743-500G L.D. Esculin Agar
M744-100G L.D. Egg Yolk Agar Base
M744-500G L.D. Egg Yolk Agar Base
M748-100G Edward’s Medium Base, Modified
M748-500G Edward’s Medium Base, Modified
M749-500G Esculin Azide Broth
M757-500G Glucose Yeast Peptone Agar
M758-500G Glucose Peptone Agar
M763-100G Skim Milk Agar
M763-500G Skim Milk Agar
M765-500G Thioglycollate Medium w/ CaCO3
M766-500G Casman Broth Base
M767-100G Sodium Azide Crystal Violet Blood Agar Base
M768-500G Chlorella Agar
M769-100G Chlorella Broth Base w/o Dextrose and Citrate
M769-500G Chlorella Broth Base w/o Dextrose and Citrate
M770-100G Mannitol Motility Test Medium
M770-500G Mannitol Motility Test Medium
M771-500G Mn Agar Base
M773-500G Emerson YSS Agar
M775-500G Hemmes Medium Base
M776-100G Kanamycin Esculin Azide Broth
M776A-100G Kanamycin Esculin Azide Broth Base
M777-500G Maintenance (SCY) Medium
M779-100G Malonate Broth, Ewing Modified
M781-100G Phenylalanine Malonate Broth (Shaw and Clarke Medium)
M782-500G Brown and Scott Modified (Milk Agar) (Twin Pack)
M783-100G Photobacterium Broth
M787-500G Pfizer Selective Enterococcus Agar
M788-500G Thiobacillus Agar
M789-500G Thiobacillus Broth
M791-100G TGB Agar (Tryptone Glucose Beef Extract Agar)
M791-500G TGB Agar (Tryptone Glucose Beef Extract Agar)
M792-100G C.L.E.D. Agar w/ Bromo Thymol Blue
M792-500G C.L.E.D. Agar w/ Bromo Thymol Blue
M793-500G Casein Hydrolysate Agar w/ 1.5% Agar
M794-500G Casein Hydrolysate Agar w/ 2.5% Agar
M795-500G Modified Thayer Martin Medium Base (w/o
M796-100G MacConkey Broth Purple (Double
M796-500G MacConkey Broth Purple (Double
M797-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 34
M798-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 35
M799-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 38
M800-100G Sulphate Reducing Medium (Twin Pack)
M800-500G Sulphate Reducing Medium (Twin Pack)
M801-500G Starch Casein Agar
M802-100G Kohn Two Tube Medium No.2
M803-100G Sulphate Reducing Medium (Triple Pack)
M803-500G Sulphate Reducing Medium (Triple Pack)
M804-500G Ascospore Agar
M805-100G Bacteroides Bile Esculin Agar Base (BBE)
M805-500G Bacteroides Bile Esculin Agar Base (BBE)
M806-100G Beef Extract Agar
M806-500G Beef Extract Agar
M807-500G Beef Extract Broth
M808-500G Egg Yolk Agar Base
M809-100G Legionella Agar Base
M809A-100G Legionella Agar Base
M809A-500G Legionella Agar Base
M811-500G Feeley Gorman Agar (F.G. Agar)
M812-500G Feeley Gorman Broth (F.G. Broth)
M813-100G Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract Agar Base
M813-500G Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract Agar Base
M814-100G Differential Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract Agar Base
M814-500G Differential Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract Agar Base
M816-500G Milk Medium with a reducing agent
M817-500G Liquoid Broth
M820-100G Vibrio Agar
M820-500G Vibrio Agar
M821-500G Salt Polymyxin Broth Base
M821I-500G Salt Polymyxin Broth Base
M822-500G Brucella Selective Medium Base
M823-500G Brucella Vitamin K1 Blood Agar Base
M825-500G Fermentation Medium for Neisseriae
M826-100G Hugh Leifson Medium
M826-500G Hugh Leifson Medium
M826S-100G Hugh Leifson Medium
M826S-500G Hugh Leifson Medium
M827-500G Fermentation Medium for Staphylococcus and Micrococcus
M828-500G Sucrose Agar for Brewery Isolates
M829-500G Tomato Juice Medium Base
M831-500G Crystal Violet Lactose Broth
M832-500G Wilkins Chalgren Anaerobic Agar Base
M833-100G Bacillus Cereus Agar Base
M833-500G Bacillus Cereus Agar Base
M834-100G Blood Agar Base No. 2
M834-500G Blood Agar Base No. 2
M834A-500G Blood Agar Base No. 2 w/ 1.2% Agar
M835-100G PNY Medium
M835-500G PNY Medium
M836-500G Clostridium Difficile Agar Base
M837-500G Perfringens Agar Base (T.S.C./S.F.P. Agar Base)
M837I-100G Perfingens Agar Base
M837I-500G Perfingens Agar Base
M839-100G Dubos Oleic Broth Base
M839-500G Dubos Oleic Broth Base
M842-500G Rose Bengal Agar Base
M843-500G Yersinia Selective Agar Base
M844-500G Saccharose Broth
M845-100G Lysine Iron Cystine Broth Base
M845-500G Lysine Iron Cystine Broth Base
M846-100G M-Broth
M846-500G M-Broth
M847-100G Motility-Indole-Lysine Medium (MIL
M847-500G Motility-Indole-Lysine Medium (MIL
M848-500G Orchid Agar
M849-500G PM Indicator Agar (Penicillin in Milk Indicator Agar)
M850-500G Tergitol-7 Agar H
M851-500G Tergitol-7 Broth
M852-500G Thiol Medium
M853-500G Thiol Broth
M854-500G E.T. Medium
M855-500G Adams Agar
M857-500G Nitrofurantoin Broth Base
M858-500G M2 Agar
M859-100G Rippey-Cabelli Agar Base
M860-100G Glucose Broth
M860-500G Glucose Broth
M861-100G B.T.B. Lactose Agar
M861-500G B.T.B. Lactose Agar
M862-100G Cetrimide Broth
M862-500G Cetrimide Broth
M862A-500G Cetrimide Broth Base
M863-500G Wilkins Chalgren Anaerobic Broth Base
M866-500G 6 MFA Medium
M867-500G Peizer TB Medium Base
M868-100G Iron Sulphite Agar
M868-500G Iron Sulphite Agar
M870-100G TCBS Agar (Selective)
M870-500G TCBS Agar (Selective)
M870A-100G TCBS Agar, Modified
M870A-500G TCBS Agar, Modified
M870S-100G TCBS Agar
M870S-500G TCBS Agar
M871-100G Hugh Leifson Glucose Medium
M871-500G Hugh Leifson Glucose Medium
M872-100G Phenol Red Tartrate Agar
M874-500G A-1 Broth
M875-500G AC Broth
M876-500G Mueller Kauffman Tetrathionate Broth
M876S-500G Kauffmann - Muller's Tetrathionate Broth
M877-500G Standard Nutrient Agar
M878-100G Yeast Nitrogen Base w/o Amino Acids
M878-500G Yeast Nitrogen Base w/o Amino Acids
M879-500G Tomato Juice Agar, Special
M880-100G Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium
M880-500G Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium
M880B-500G Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium
M881-500G Cystine Tellurite Agar Base
M882-500G Diphtheria Virulence Agar Base
M883-500G Standard Infusion Agar
M884-500G Aeromonas Isolation Medium Base
M885-100G Andrade Peptone Water
M885-500G Andrade Peptone Water
M885S-100G Andrade Peptone Water
M886-500G Chlorella Broth
M887-500G Blood Free Campylobacter Selectivity Agar Base
M888-100G *Listeria Enrichment Broth, Modified
M888-500G *Listeria Enrichment Broth, Modified
M889-1KG Listeria Selective Broth Base
M889-2.5KG Listeria Selective Broth Base
M889-500G Listeria Selective Broth Base
M890A-100G Listeria Enrichment Medium Base (UVM)
M890A-500G Listeria Enrichment Medium Base (UVM)
M891-500G Modified McBride Listeria Agar Base
M892-100G Modified Buffered Charcoal Agar Base
M892-500G Modified Buffered Charcoal Agar Base
M893-100G CAL Agar (Cellobiose Arginine Lysine  Agar)
M894-100G CAL Broth (Cellobiose Arginine Lysine Broth)
M895-500G V8 Juice Broth
M897-500G Crystal Violet Lactose Agar
M898-500G SPS Agar, Modified
M899-500G Campylobacter Enrichment Broth Base (Preston Enrichment Broth Base)
M900-500G SF Broth, Modified
M902-500G Anaerobic Egg Agar Base
M904-500G ASLA Agar Base
M906-500G B.C. Motility Test Medium
M908-500G Campylo Thioglycollate Medium Base
M909-500G Andrade Peptone Water w/ Meat Extract
M910-500G Casein Hydrolysate Yeast Extract Broth (CAYE)
M911-500G C. botulinum Isolation Agar Base
M912-100G Decarboxylase Test Medium Base (Falkow)
M912-500G Decarboxylase Test Medium Base (Falkow)
M912S-100G Decarboxylase Test Medium Base (Falkow)
M912S-500G Decarboxylase Test Medium Base (Falkow)
M913-500G Dextrose Tryptone Agar, Modified
M914-500G Dextrose Tryptone Broth, Modified
M915-500G Dihydrolase Broth Base
M916-500G Doyle’s Enrichment Broth Base
M917-500G Mehlman's Maintenance Medium
M918-500G Wang’s Semisolid Medium
M919-500G Fermentation Medium Base for C. perfringens
M920-500G Gelatin Agar
M921-500G Gelatin Phosphate Salt Agar (GPS Agar)
M922-500G GTC Agar Base
M923-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium F
M923B-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium F
M924-500G Horie Arabinose Ethyl Violet Broth
M925-500G Streptococcus Lactis Differential Agar Base
M926-500G Reddy’s Differential Agar, Modified (Lactic Streak Agar)
M927-500G *Lactobacillus Bulgaricus Agar Base
M928-500G Liver Broth
M929-500G M17 Agar Base
M930-500G Motility Test Medium (Edwards and Ewing)
M930S-100G Motility Test Medium (Edwards and Ewing)
M930S-500G Motility Test Medium (Edwards and Ewing)
M931-500G Nutrient Agar w/ Manganese
M932-500G Nutritive Caseinate Agar
M933-500G Orange Serum Agar
M934-500G Orange Serum Broth
M935-500G Soya Peptone Yeast Extract Agar
M936-500G Potassium Cyanide Broth Base w/o KCN
M937-500G Potato Dextrose Agar w/ 3% Agar
M938-500G Potato Dextrose Rose Bengal Agar
M939-500G Preston Agar Base
M940-100G PSTA Enrichment Broth Base
M940-500G PSTA Enrichment Broth Base
M941-500G PSB Broth Base
M941I-500G PSB Broth, Modified
M942-500G Saline Agar
M943-500G Christopher’s Semisolid Brucella Medium Base
M944-500G Razi’s Medium (Semisolid Reinforced Clostridial Medium w/ Aspartate)
M945-500G Simulated Grape Juice Medium
M946-500G Modified Letheen Agar
M947-500G C. perfringens Sporulation Broth
M948-500G Streptococcus Thermophilus Isolation Agar
M949-500G Syncase Broth
M950-500G TN Agar
M951-500G Buffered Tryptone Glucose Yeast Extract Broth
M952-500G Tryptone Glucose Yeast Extract Broth
M953-500G Tryptone Phosphate Broth
M954-500G V-8 Medium for Lactobacilli
M955-500G Yeast Extract Rose Bengal Broth Base
M956-500G Propionibacter Isolation Agar Base
M957-500G YXT Agar Base
M958-500G Rogosa SL Agar w/ 0.15% Oxgall
M960-500G Smibert’s Semisolid Brucella Medium
M961-500G Tryptone Bile Agar
M962-100G R-2A Agar
M962-500G R-2A Agar
M962B-500G Agar Medium S (R2A Agar)
M963-100G Glucose Yeast Extract Agar
M963-500G Glucose Yeast Extract Agar
M964-500G Glucose Yeast Extract Acetate Broth
M965-500G Yeast Glucose Beef Broth
M966-500G Yeast Glucose Beef Agar
M967-500G Lactic Phage Agar
M968-500G Lactic Phage Broth
M969-500G Tryptone Peptone Glucose Yeast Extract Broth Base w/o Trypsin
M970-500G Selenite Broth Base w/o Biselenite
M971-500G Brilliant Green Agar Base w/ Phosphates
M971I-500G Brilliant Green Agar w/ Phosphates
M971S-100G Brilliant Green Agar Base w/ Phosphates
M971S-500G Brilliant Green Agar Base w/ Phosphates
M972-100G Bile Esculin Agar
M972-500G Bile Esculin Agar
M972A-500G Bile Esculin Agar, Modified
M972I-500G Bile Esculin Agar
M973-500G Jensen's Broth
M974-500G Craig’s Medium
M975-500G Anaerobic Tryptone Soya Agar
M975A-500G Anaerobic Blood Agar Base
M976-500G Modified Letheen Broth
M977-500G Mutans-Sanguis Agar
M978-500G Anaerobic Fermentation Medium Base
M979-500G Thioglycollate Medium w/ Hemin and Vitamin K
M980-500G Dextrose Salt Broth
M982-500G Glucose Azide Broth
M983-500G Modified Gorodkowa Agar
M984-500G Neutral Red Chalk Lactose Agar
M985-500G Starch Milk Agar
M986-500G Selective Lysine Agar
M987-500G Lactose Gelatin Medium, Modified
M987I-500G Lactose Gelatin Medium, Modified
M988-500G Tryptose Yeast Extract Broth (AOAC)
M989-500G Glucose Starch Agar
M990-500G Tryptone Soya Agar w/ Magnesium Sulphate (TSAM)
M991-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium L- AOAC
M992-500G Antibiotic Assay Medium M- AOAC
M994-500G Campylobacter Agar Base
M995-500G Malt Extract Agar Base, Modified as per
M996-500G Tryptose Agar w/ Thiamine HCl
M997-500G Tryptose Broth w/ Thiamine HCl
M998-500G Islam's Medium Base for Group B

Huỳnh Phúc Hiển Vinh
Mobile: 0937 937 385
Skype: huynhphuchienvinh

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